Prince Of Death [Small Exerpt]

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THE BIRDS SWEET melody filled the forest as Noah followed the path he had since he was fifteen, since they had met. When they had decided to inform everyone they loved each other, they had not expected their parents to act the way they had. They had prohibited them from ever seeing each other again, but no matter how much they had tried, they couldn't stay away from each other.

As he came closer to their hiding spot, her soothing laughter reached his ears, making him smile. When she came into his view, he was not surprised to see her twirling, the full-length hem of her white gown fanning out around her. On her arms, butterflies landed, then hovered all around her.

She noticed him and stopped, a smile on her lips that reached her enchanting violet eyes. "You're late." She lowered her arms to her sides and the butterflies fluttered away.

"My apologies, but it was not easy sneaking out of my home."

When she stepped closer to him, he shook his head, but he couldn't refuse to dance with her when she grabbed his hands. Her laughter once again filled the forest with life as he danced with her to the rhythm of the music only they could hear. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and for a moment he was petrified, but then, he realized she was wearing white gloves that reached her elbows and added elegance to her gown.

"I love you." The words escaped him before he could stop them.

She froze, stared at him for a moment, then smiled. "I love you, too." When she moved forward, his heart stopped beating as he craved to feel her lips more than anything; however, he turned and stepped away.


"Elizabeth, we both know—"

"We know what our parents have told us. They should be elated that we have fallen in love: Two royals."

Noah stared at his hand, then let it fall at his side as he sighed. "This was a mistake. I don't want to hurt you."

"You're not." She stepped closer, grabbed his hand and removed his black glove.

He jerked his hand away. "Give it back."

With a smile, she removed hers, then tossed them to the side. "You won't hurt me."

"How could you be so certain? I can't control this."

"How could you be so certain when you have not given it a try?"

He should have moved away when she came forward, but he didn't. Perhaps, what his mother had told him for years was not true, or so he hoped as she reached out and grabbed hold of his hand, lacing their fingers together.

At first, he was too stunned to move. With her other hand, she ran it along his jawline. As she did so, he let go of her hand and ran the tip of his finger over her cheekbone. Her skin was like he imagined; soft, warm.

She placed her small hand on the back of his head and pulled him down to her level for their lips to meet. The kiss was gentle, and he didn't want it to stop, but as he lost himself to it, he realized he was losing control.

When he pulled away, Elizabeth staggered back, holding a hand against her chest. His eyes widened when their gazes met and she gasped for air. She lost her balance, but before she hit the ground, he caught her in his arms.

"Elizabeth?" He stared at her in disbelief as tears streamed down his face. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry." As he rose to his feet with her in his arms, he regretted ever believing that he could have a normal relationship with anyone.

He tried to hold all the pain in, but the moment he walked up to his home, his legs trembled, and he dropped to his knees as he cried out in pain. He pulled her closer, letting out all of the pain.

He had killed the woman he loved.

"Noah." At his mother's voice, he lifted his gaze to meet her concerned one. "What have you done?"

He didn't have time to respond as the others came outside; the meeting had finished. All of the Alphas' eyes were on him. When Elizabeth's father walked outside, he lost all control, but before he could reach Noah, the others held him back.

"You bastard! What have you done to my child!"

"Give her to me," his mother said as he rose to his feet. He listened and once in her arms, his mother's eyes widened with horror, presumably realizing Elizabeth was gone and there was nothing she could do to help her.

John had managed to get free from the other Alphas and reached Noah in seconds. However, he was grabbed by the back of his shirt and shoved away. Noah's father stood in between them and growled.

"How dare you stand in my way, Walter. Your son murdered my child. I have every right to kill him!"

"Your daughter knew exactly what could happen, yet she took her chances."

With a growl, John ran forward and jumped, shifting in mid-air. Walter swung his fist and struck the side of John's face, sending him stumbling to the ground. John was back on his feet and was ready to try another attack, but stopped when Noah's mother stood in front of him with Elizabeth in her arms.

"Please, stop."

John shifted and took Elizabeth from Eleanor's arms. "This will not go unpunished." He left, followed by those loyal to him. Walter grabbed his son by his shirt and shook him. "What were you thinking! Have you no idea what you have done?"

"I'm sorry."

"Walter, stop." Eleanor placed her hand on her husband's shoulder and he seemed to calm down. He let go of Noah and entered the house. Noah didn't blame his father for acting as he did. John was the descendant from one of the five royal families. Now, all that was left was his family and Noah's.

Two Royal families that instead of being united were now separated because of him.

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