The Devildom

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Jeff:Where am I..I'm in a place that looks like a courtroom. Several men are looking my way...The man in the seat of the chief judge starts speaking.

???:Welcome to the devildom, Jeff!..Oh, pardon me. Feeling a bit schoked, are we?Well, that's understandable. You've only arrived, after all. As a human, it will probably take a while for you to adjust things here in devildom.


???:I supposed I should start by introducing myself. My name is Diavolo. I'm the ruler of all demons, and all here know me. And someday soon, I will be crowned king of the devildom.

A beautiful city and kingdom that diavolo showed to jeff...

Diavolo:This is the Royal Academy of Diavolo...though we just called it RAD.

Back inside

Diavolo:You're standing inside the assembly hall, the very heart of RAD. This is where we officers of the student council hold our meetings and conduct our business. I'm the president of said council.

Jeff: Why am I here?

???:I will explain everything to you.

Diavolo:Jeff, this is Lucifer. He is a demon and the Avatar of Pride. He's also the vice president of the student council amd my right-hand man...and not just in tittle, I assure you.Beyond that, he's also my most trusted friend.

Lucfer:Fluttery will get you nowhere,
Diavolo. Speaking on behalf of the entire student body at this great and storied school for ours...I offer you most heartfelt welcome, Jeff.

Jeff:Answer my question

Lucifer:...Interesting. This one is quite different from Solomon. Diavolo believes that we demons should start strengthening our relationship with both the Human World and Celestial Realm. As a first step of this goal, we've decided to institute an exchange program. We've sent two of our studen in Human World and two to the Celestial Realm. And we're welcoming four students in our school:two from your world and two from Celestial Realm. So, I take it you've probably put two and two together at this point. right? You've  been chosen from among the people of the Human World to participate in this program in ours. You are our newest exchange student. Your period of stay is one year. You will have to work on the task that you will receive in RAD. After one year, you will write a paper about your exchange here in the devildom.


Lucifer:You are here as an exchange student. You really expect to spend your time fooling around?Don't glare at me like that. It's not like I will abandon you all by yourself here in the devildom. You need someone to look after you, and I think that someone should be my brother Mammon. He's the Avatar of Green should I put it...? Oh well, you'll understand soon enough.

? Oh well, you'll understand soon enough

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Lucifer:Here, take this device. It's called D.D.D. It's a lot like the cell phones of your world. This will be yours as long as you're here. Now, go ahead and try calling Mammon with it.

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