Chapter 13

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Kayla's POV:

I stalk through the alleyways. " Daniel Brickwell!" Arsenal shouts. "You have failed this city!"

"I think you screwed up on your maths. Can't you see there's a lot more of us than there are of you?"

"Guess again Brickhead!" The girl from earlier shouts.

"Get em!" Brick shouts. I grin as everyone rushes toward each other. I drop into the fight next to Arsenal and start hitting. More and more goons come at me. Laurel's friend is getting his ass handed to him so I point it out. Arsenal hits Brick with an arrow and I keep fighting. A bullet nicks my arm and I glare but ignore the pain.

I turn and slash at another goon and start searching for Brick.

"Where are you asshole?" I mutter. I find him running into an alley and quickly follow after him. Malcolm is standing there and I frown.

"How many more of you masks are there?" Brick shouts. Malcolm takes off his mask.

"This is for Rebecca," My eyes widen and I frown as Brick taunts him.

"Malcolm!" I shout

"Don't do it!" A familiar voice shouts. I stare at Oliver in shock. I wait in the dark to see how this plays out. I can stab Malcolm if need be.

"If I had taken him out originally then all of this could have been different. The League, Tommy and Mackayla, Thea... They will never forgive me,"

"Start giving her reasons too," Oliver says.

Malcolm finally puts the gun down and I turn to Oliver as Malcolm disappears. I find Arsenal and he drags me back to the foundry while Oliver makes a special announcement.

Oliver comes back a few hours later and I frown. Felicity runs over and hugs Oliver before anyone can say anything.

"Why didn't you come back sooner?" Dig asks.

"I wasn't exactly in an area with cell reception," Oliver says. He wanders over to the bloody sword.

"That's Ra's right?" Roy asks. Ollie nods. "What are we going to do about him?"

"Malcolm and I are working on that," Oliver says. I chuckle humorlessly.

"I'm sorry? It almost sounded like you said Malcolm. As in Malcolm Merlyn," Felicity says.

"I need to defeat Ra's and Merlyn has the knowledge,"

"He's not the only Merlyn you know though," I point out. Oliver glares at me and I shrug.

"I'm going to kill Ra's,"

"Malcolm is a monster! One who I insisted earlier that you would never help!" Felicity says sharply. "I need some air!" She stalks out the door and Red glances at me nervously. Oliver stands there in shock and I roll my eyes.

"Go doofus," I shove Ollie out the door. "God why don't men ever realize that they need to talk about what they're feeling?" I mutter. I give Roy a pointed stare and Dig chuckles. I rub my arm where the bullet hit and Red seems to see it for the first time.

"How long have you had that?"

"Got it during the fight. It's not going to scar and doesn't need stitches, I'm fine," I wave him off and Red follows after me.

"You got hurt," Red says again.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," I mutter.

"Why didn't you tell us you got hurt?"

"Because it's barely a scratch?" I sit in Felicity's chair and Ollie comes back in. I note that Felicity doesn't follow. "That bad, huh?" Oliver glares at me and I shrug. "How are you alive Ollie?"

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