Prologue - Run. Save. Protect.

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Ten minutes before he lost consciousness, Killua and Alluka were running for their lives.

He was holding her bridal style, zigzagging across trees, and sprinting deeper into the forest. Branches scratched his face and legs, leaving nasty cuts. His iconic white shirt was torn to shreds, bruises decorated his upper chest and the impairment on his shoulder blade was yet left unintended.

"Nii-chan......" Alluka mumbled weakly, the wound on her gut was still evident, causing him to curse. He activated God Speed but the man -- no, the monster chasing them had no trouble following their every step.

"You cannot run forever."

The voice, so familiar yet so cold nearly made Killua froze in fear, but he kept running, his mind had only one focus.

Run. Save.


A yellow needle zoomed past his head, barely missing his face by inches. But enough to cause the boy to trip on a tree root and fell on the muddy ground. His arms instinctively wrapped around his sister.

"Nanika," he said and the girl in his arms transformed into a doll-like creature with black holes for eyes.

"Heal yourself."

Nanika nodded and extended her finger to her gut, bright light collected in her palms. Within seconds, the wound was already closing.

Another needle came whistling in the air, aiming for the girl. Killua tackled his sister at the very last minute, resulting in it cutting his upper ear. It hit the ground and vanished.

"Finally, you stop."

A figure emerged from the trees, wearing a ridiculous green suit with needles for buttons. His glossy, dark hair swept over his shoulders, framing his pale-ish features. His eyes were an endless void, not a speck of life glistened in them.

Killua tightened his grip on Alluka, as the monster who had manipulated him came closer, eager to possess them again.

"Why are you here?" The silvernette's voice was very cold and very dry.

The figure tilted his head, and an innocent expression crossed his face, but Killua knew better. "My, my. Has my little brother forgotten?"

The boy gritted his teeth, both fear, anger and disgust were bubbling inside of him. Of course, he knew what the figure yearned but for the sake of his and his sister's sanity, he did not give in. How foolish of him to have assumed that he had given up his chase for them after six long months.

"Illumi," he spat as if the name itself was venomous. "I've told you before and my answer remains the same."

Illumi twirled his needles. "A pity, Kil." The boy flinched at his pet name. "We could've anything we ever wanted with the power you held within Nanika."

"And let you wrap your fingers around us again?! Go to hell!"

"Been there, done that. But Kil, oh, Kil be reasonable." Illumi chided, and his slick honey words worked their way into the boy's mind. "Nanika is a tool of doom, a beacon for the greed. Any hunters you came across would've shown no mercy to obtain him."

The boy staggered to his feet, shoving his sister behind him and growling. "Alluka is not an object."

"More or less, the same. Those who only benefit are nothing but a stepping stone to success," he extended his hand. "Give him to me, don't make this hard for the both of us."

"Over my dead body." Killua activated his Nen, causing electricity to crackle all over his body. 

Illumi's hand curled, his gentle manner disappearing, leaving a heavy bloodlust to replace his facade. Hunger, greed, and desire. It took all of Killua's will not to buckle under the pressure.

"Very well." He flicked his fingers and instantly five needles appeared between each finger. "Let's keep this a secret from Mother, shall we?"

"Nanika," Killua commanded, shoving his hunter licence to her without turning. "Use this to get to the fastest train and find Gon, I'll cover your retreat. Don't worry," he tried to smile but it came out more as a grimace. "I'll catch up."

Nanika nodded and ran, just as Illumi came in for the kill.

He flung all five needles to Killua's pressure point but he managed to demolish all of them with his lightning. The boy swung a chop to his neck, which Illumi ducked. He sidestepped him and attempted to reach for Nanika, but Killua caught hold of his leg and flip him back.

The man clicked his tongue in annoyance and aim seven more needles at the boy. He skirted past them all but one caught hold of his thigh, sinking deep into his flesh. He managed to pull it out before Illumi's nen flowed through his body.


A roundhouse kick came slicing through the air at the boy's head but Killua dashed forward with his body low. Ten trees that had once stood behind him have been neatly chopped off.

The boy jumped on top of the blacknette and drew a barrier of electricity, trapping his older brother within. Then backflipped several distances away and sprinted to the path Nanika took.

Defeating him is beyond impossible. He thought, his feet barely touching the ground. My only hope is to either trick or distract him. Giving him the slip will only cause him to adjust his target towards Alluka. Therefore. He stopped before a T crossroad and with a swift of his hand, he managed to erase every one of his sister's tracks on the right and dash to the left. That should throw him off.

His danger instinct suddenly scream for him to stop but he was a second too late to respond.

Instantly a huge tree from the left slammed before him. The impact cause him to fly back but he managed to backflip in the middle of the air, and his feet skidded to a stop.

"Illumi, that lunatic," Killua said, regarding the scene in terrified awe. He had already reckoned that he would break through his electric fence, but he was not expecting him to use an assassination tactic to sense him and sent a trail of trees to fall like dominos, just to block his path. Talk about the timing too.

"I told you so." Footsteps echoed behind him and before the boy knew it, he was weightless. His body slammed into a boulder, resulting him to cough out blood.

"Tell me where she is." A fist slammed against his stomach. Killua gasped, hearing his ribs crack.

"I hate doing this, you know," Illumi said as he punched the boy again, this time in his wounded shoulder. Killua screamed in agony. The boulder supporting him shatter into pieces and he tumbled backwards.

Red. Blood is a strange colour.

A kick in the face and he was flung further away.

Pain. His ears rang; everything was spinning. Are the trees supposed to be yellow?

A needle stabbed to his chest but weakly he destroyed nen embodied in it.

Agony. Weariness washed over him, and the pain became a dull throb. That scared him, it meant he was fading, leaving everything behind.

Black spots swarmed his vision, and his older brother's figure faded in and out. This was it. This is the end. At least.... at least Alluka will be in safe hands. His only regret now was he hadn't had the chance to say goodbye to Gon.

To his only best friend in the world.

He felt like he was sinking. Then he realized, he was.

Several bony hands entangled themselves around his body, swallowing him whole into his own shadow.

The last thing Killua heard was Illumi's scream of fury as he failed to reach for him.

'What a pleasant sound,' he had thought.
Got you.

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