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Narrator pov:

It's been 9 days since takemichi  come back from the future .He finally succeed in saving everyone .

Mikey being his Last trigger in time leaping
finally  got a happy future  ,he was living with  his sister ,his past vise commander, and afcoures a little a cute niece.

Takemichi tried to make a handshake with Mikey but nothing happened that must've been because no one died in these time line everything was perfect ,he also tried to naoto if something will happen but expected nothing.

This time was perfect he so glad that his  word by not giving up  paid off .

And now he was living with his beautiful wife, his first love . They been married for six days.



Hina: "takemichi you alright?,  you've been looking at our wedding photos ,for almost an hour "

The pitch haired asked his husband ,who was  still admiring there  photos .

Takemichi:" ahh I'm alright !, it's just ....I just can't believe it"

The raven haired male immediately replied to his wife, tearing up a bit while looking at the happy  picture of everyone (the toman)and hina's family.

While takemichi running around his eyes in the photo looking at everyone smiling face,there something that caught his eyes
It's the 25 year old male in the background of the photo.


He called his brother in law name out of the blue,and that caught Hinata's attention.

Hina: "Did you say something takemichi?"

Takemichi:"Hina can you come here for a second."

Takemichi called his wife in the bathroom who is washing face.

Hina then go to takemichi.

Hina:"hmmm what is it".

Then takemichi point at the certain male in the photo.

Takemichi : "This was naoto right "

The pitch girl just nod her head.

Hina:" yup, that's him"

Takemichi: "does he normally wear such a face?, everyone was smiling except him .

Hina just shrug her shoulders.

Hina:" actually there's a time that naoto came to me , he was telling me that he remembered that there's a timeline ware  you didn't attend our wedding and died with Mikey in high build fall".

-"I think it's three years ago,he also always visits me every once a week just to ask if there's some Change in your behavior."

-"since then it's really rare to me see my brother smiling face".

'But when we talk before my weeding, he was so happy and hug me really tight, he also congratulate me , but his expression as if he's in pain.'

Takemichi want to said these out loud to Hina ,but he just instead keep it to his self .

Takemichi: " thanks Hina  maybe because his still single these years so he was jealous that his sister already married yet he still doesn't even find his ."

-"that's why he not smiling "

The two  in unison both laugh.

Hina: yeah maybe right, or maybe that kid is gay.

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