Everyone has that one person at school that seems to naturally stay away from others. We all know a person like that, and maybe we have even had an interaction with this person. If you have, you understand that they are not like the normal people who you would call friends, this person acts almost as if they are using every will they have in their body to end the conversation. I have met one of these people, although she seems like a simple girl when you first see her. She has a boyfriend, yes, and they seem to fit well together. Although, my group of companions aren't exactly the nicest to the couple. In fact, at one point I saw on of the girls I usually eat lunch with trying to convince the girl's boyfriend to leave her and hook up with her. After seeing that I stopped talking to her, not liking her rude behavior towards the seemingly happy couple. Although, I never really knew what was going on. One day, I heard from a friend that the strange girl and her boyfriend broke up after having a huge fight over him supposedly cheating on her. The thought of that happening seemed unreal although apparently it was true. The girl I mentioned before that tried to take the strange girl's boyfriend away, I saw her with him the next day. Of course, I should have known she had something to do with it. Yet again, I had no idea what was actually running through the strange girl's head after her boyfriend left. There was an accident a week later, the strange wallflower girl was in the hospital. Naturally, I hoped the best for her recovery and sent her a 'Get Well' card. The day she came back...she started acting even weirder than before. I sit next to her in literature class and I could have sworn I heard her mumbling, "Tick, tock, tick, tock" and it followed the ticking and tocking of the clock in the classroom. Oh well, maybe I was imagining things. What happened next...I wish had never happened. The girl approached me after school and I was shocked by this for we've never spoken before and have never went past acknowledging each other's presence.

"Did you write this?" She asked immediately, not even greeting me before she held up a letter. Such hateful words were scribed across the page although it was not my handwriting.

"No, I didn't write this" I told her, although she didn't seem even slightly convinced.

"I knew you were one of them...you're first" she had spoken in such a dark tone, I could hear the homicidal tone in her voice. My body grew stiff and I just stood there as she walked away.

The next day she wasn't at school, nor the next, nor the next. In fact, she didn't show up for a whole week. Suddenly, I started to think about what she had said to be when she confronted me about the hate letter. Surely she couldn't of meant anything bad by what she said...right? No one would be as cold hearted as to hurt someone who they don't even have evidence did something bad, right?

I was wrong...I was so, so very wrong.

It was a cool weekend night, around midnight or so and I was awake but lying down in bed and listening to the ticking of my clock that was beside my bed. Something didn't seem...right, almost like if I go to sleep something will happen. That's when I heard it. The screaming coming from my mother, the shouting of my father from upstairs, the two loud thuds that made it obvious that two heavy objects had fallen and then the one that terrified me the most...the sound of liquid spilling onto the wooden floor above me. What was happening I wasn't sure, all I knew is that I needed to leave this house. Suddenly, adrenaline pumped through my body and I sprang out of bed while trying to make as little noise as possible. Although, my curiosity got the best of me and I slowly tiptoed up the stairs to check on my parents. Their bedroom door was open a crack and I cautiously looked inside. The sight...I-it was horrific. Two bodies laid on the floor, the bodies of my mother and father, one laying on their back with several stab wounds spilling out blood and the other laying on their back with their head turned towards the door. The lifeless eyes of my mother were full of fear and the dullness you never would see in the eyes of a living person. Who could have done such a thing?! I've never done anything to anyone! My body filled with fear, unable to move, as something cold and hard suddenly was thrusted into my chest from behind. My body began to shake as I looked down, seeing a bloodied knife sticking out of my chest.

"You're time is up" that voice...I knew that voice.

The last thing I heard was the ticking of the clock beside my parent's bed...

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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