Chapter 3

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Sean's Pov
I said she was a dead end but when am with her it feels different. Nothing makes sense without Kylie in my life ,So today we are going for a road trip

Sean : Ready to go

Kylie : Yes daddy

Sean :(looks at Kylie)

Kylie : What ?

Sean : Nothing where do you want to go

Kylie : I always wanted to go to a Waterpark

Sean : That's it only .

Kylie : Yeah then the Amusement park, I was not exposed to such opportunities

Sean : Okay baby girl , Let's get road going

So we went to to this Waterpark and went for a couple of swims , seeing her smile made a me happy. She's everything I need in a woman and making her happy is my priority. Then to the Amusement park , we went to the roller coaster (laughs) I can't believe she vomit . I am happy that I was there for her to hold her hair and tell her that I love her .We brought some ice cream , played a few games and won a huge teddy bear that looked so cute like her .

Kylie : Thank you so much my love

Sean : Anything for you baby girl

Kylie's Pov

So being with Sean makes me feel goosebumps and when am with him I feel free . I am childish and he is matured more than me but because of me he plays along . So we stopped by this beach to see the beautiful sun set . Holding hands and laying my head on his shoulder. Such a beautiful love story , I swear to myself that in sickness and health I will always be there with him

Sean : Already falling asleep .

Kylie : No , am not (smiles)

So we went back to the car and he drove . I wasn't even worried , I felt asleep because he was safety and my protection

Sean's Pov

I say to my dearest lover Kylie .
My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun
Coral is far more red than her lips red
If snow is white , why then her breasts are dun
If hairs be wires , black wires grow on her head
I have seen roses damask'd ,red and white
But no such roses see I in her cheeks
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks
I love to hear her speak , yet well I know , Sonnet by Shakespeare

Sean : Kylie get up

Kylie : Where are we

Sean : It's a close near by Motel , let me hold you up in my arms

Kylie : Baby

Sean : Yes babe

Kylie : I want you to be my virgin breaker

Sean :(holds kylie's hand) Baby are you sure

Kylie : Yes I am sure , You gave the love that I thought I was never ever going to experience in my life . You are the one for me , I just feel .......

I couldn't let her continue speaking so I kissed her interrupting her speech . Leaving wet kisses on her body , played with her nipples . Sucking her nipples I look into her eyes . I felt happy seeing the look on her face .She moans softly, playing with the clitoris rubbing it slowly . I insert the first finger then the two fingers while kissing her .

Sean : Are you sure ,you want to do this

Kylie : (moans) Yesssss daddyyy

I open her legs and insert my penis slowly to her vagina. The missionary position is perfect for her as it is her first time . She screams , I continued so she could feel less pain . Slowly going in until it felt so good , going in fast .

Sean : Oh fuck it's so good

Kylie's Pov

As he went in faster it felt so good . Then he stopped , sucked my breasts while squeezing them . He picked me up and took me to the shower . Feeling the touch of his hands washing my body , he said look at me

Sean : I love you and will always be there for you

We went to bed and cuddled the whole night together . Next morning he bought breakfast to bed , wearing a towel around his torso showing those abs

Sean : Good morning baby

Kylie : hey

Sean : Here's some orange juice and toasted bread it will help you gain some strength , and pill for pains

Kylie : Thank you but am ok

Sean : ok , Take a shower while I get prepared for leaving

Kylie : Ok , Love ya don't miss that much

Sean : I don't know about that

I would describe our love story as love at first sight.Many people won't believe what we really have going on . Sean is this complicated guy that is rude and is dominant . I refuse to believe what many people say about him course with him it's different. I'm done showering so I don't know what to wear my black floral dress or my shorts with my big pink t-shirt. Okay I will go with the shorts

Kylie : So babe what do you think

Sean : You look perfect

Kylie : You think

Sean : Yeah

So we are on our way to Campus . I really enjoyed this road trip and again because I love sleeping I fall asleep . Holding his hand feeling the texture of his palm .


Sean : Babe wake up , we have arrived

Kylie : (yawning) Wow finally

We didn't even stay a minute already, someone was knocking on the car window. Who is she and why is she yelling

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