Chapter 1

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Time and time again that Bea was trying to get Allie clean from the drugs that she was on and it's not like she didn't learn from the last fucking time of got clean which was a week ago. Remembering one of the times it was so bad that Bea ask somebody to go get Kaz and it happened more than Handle of times now, it's exhausting to keep doing this so much and Bea has enough of everything

And done with Allie's bullshit and the drugs, whatever she's on. Bea went and found Allie in her cell just about to put it in her arm and Bea took off then Allie was going crazy on her, Kaz overheard and came to see what was going on and get Allie to calm down to see what was happening right now with her "Fuck off!!" It got so bad that she was in medical back in H1. Bea and Kaz were on the bed in her cell talking about everything but it was mighty Allie, Bea told her everything and what's been happening with Allie than has been so tired from everything with her and the drugs

"Why are you still with her, Bea?" She was shaking her head and hoping that Bea will help Allie get better for her health and mind "Because I care about her and her mental health and I love her so much but at the same time I'm done. You don't know how many times I tried to break up with her so many times before, but it didn't work out." They both looked at each other for a while and

Kaz came a little closer to her, and then they both kissed on the lips tenderly and softly but slowly stopped. They both can't stop smiling at each other and are just about to do it again but Bea's crew came back from being outside and it was just bad timing for the both of them "I'm going to go see Allie now" Kaz smiled then had pinkish color on her cheeks. Bea had a big on her face and never felt this way with another woman and caught some feelings for her but she was cheating on Allie for another woman, at the same time she is not happy with her anymore and was sick of the drugs and the drama from her

But the kiss felt so good and just needed to tell Allie that she was breaking up with her and falling in love with another woman. Later that day, something was going on with Allie in medical, it was to the point that Bea had to come because that is her girlfriend. She was standing next to Allie and supporting her by her side, putting her hand in Allie's

She held her hand tight and waited for her to wake up from the meds that they had given her to calm down and then pass out. She waited for a while and it was a couple of times hours, Bea was thinking about telling Allie of breaking up with her but she doesn't want to do it right now because she going through so much right now with drugs and the big fight that they had from a week ago then another one earlier this morning. Time went by and finally, Allie woke up to see that Bea was there with her but she was a little confused and why her girlfriend was there because of the fights that they had "Hey Bea, I'm surprised that you here" says it with a weak voice

Both of them were talking for a while, and the fights that they had were resolved. Allie had goals and the first one is getting clean from the drugs that she was taking and wanting to make Bea and Kaz pound her for getting clean, from a while of talking to each other and she was starting to get sleepy then Kaz came around to deal with a wound on her arm and saw Bea at medical with her

They both made eye contact with each other, and Kaz looked like she was confused but at the same time was disappointed that Allie and Bea were together. Kaz walks away, sad and angry at her. "I'll see you later, okay. And please get lots of rest, okay?" Later that day, Bea went to see Kaz and tried to talk to her. But can't she can't get her and they meet up in the showers to talk "What the fuck Bea!" Bea was getting her to calm down, but she didn't. Kaz went on and on about the kiss and the talk that they had this morning "I fucking kiss you, Bea! I started to have feelings for you and me still fucking do, "I still have feelings to be with her. "Kaz?" Bea took her hand, but Kaz doesn't want to look into her eyes

"Kaz Proctor, I started to fall in love with you when we bumped into each other that one time, and that was before I and Allie got together. We locked eyes for 5 seconds and then nearly kissed. Then you just walked away with your crew, and that's when my feelings for you came in. I can't without with you, Kaz." Kaz looks at Bea with tears in her eye and smiles "What are you going to do with Allie? And say to her, especially since we just started seeing each other behind her back," the question has to come up and Kaz was going back about it "Don't worry I will handle it okay"

"And I will see you later okay" they both started to smile and put their foreheads together then kissed a couple of times "Allie doesn't deserve you Bea" Bea smiles at her "It wouldn't take long, that's when I will tell her that I and her that we are done then you and me will a lifetime" Bea kisses Kaz on the cheek and lifts the showers with a smile on her. After dinner, Bea didn't want to see Allie at all but she wanted to tell her that they were done for good, but she did anyway to get out of her way and over with then wanted for Kaz especially for Kaz "Hi, I'm here to see Allie just 5 minutes" she got on the bed with Allie

"Hey, how are you feeling now?" Allie was a lot better than this morning and gets released tomorrow sometime don't know when "Allie I need to tell you something and it's important" Allie nodded and was smiling to see her until "Um, I want to tell you that um" before she able to because 5 minutes was up so fast "You can tell me tomorrow, I have high hopes that I will be out tomorrow morning"

While leaving after seeing Allie. Bea wanted to tell her that they were no longer a couple anymore at the same time. What would Kaz be thinking about it? She wants to tell her the truth and only the truth to Kaz, no lies for her to face. Bea went to H3 to see her for a moment. "Kaz? I need to talk to you, it wouldn't take long." They went to Kaz's cell and closed the door. "What's up, Bea? Is everything alright?" She told Kaz about her rudeness and gave her only 2 minutes to visit with Allie. She didn't have the chance to tell her about it but the nurse made up her own rules "That nurse has always been a bitch" she told Kaz that Allie is coming out tomorrow at some point and hoping it's in the morning "As soon as I tell her, you're all mine" then headcount was in 10 minutes

"I will see you tomorrow, Kaz." They kissed a couple of times, then Bea opened the door and was about to leave. "Bea!?" She looks back at her "I love you" Kaz whispers to her with a smile on her face "I love you too" Bea says with a smile and went back to H1 and knowing that Bea is at peace with an I love you

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