01 | Not So Happy Neighbors

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"I think that should be the last box," I say to Courtney as I stare at the large box sitting at the door of my new apartment. "Gosh, the removalists were so useless."

As if on cue, the two removalists I hired walk out of my bedroom and into my living room space where Courtney and I are currently standing.

"I think that's all, Ma'am," removalist guy number one says, a grin plastered across his face. I think his name was Tom. "Is there anything else we can help with today?"

I fake a smile and bat my eyelashes. "Actually, there is. Would you two mind helping me set up my bed? I got it from IKEA a few years back and forgot how to do it. I know it's not exactly part of your job description, but you guys were such an amazing help today and I could really use an extra pair of hands."

The grin on Tom's face only widens and he gives removalist number two a nudge on the shoulder. "Not a worry at all. Come on Jerry, let's get to work."

Well, that was too easy.

"That was good," Courtney chuckles once Tom and Jerry are out of sight.

"Why do the work when you can have someone else do it for you?" I question. "Especially since I'm paying these guys."

"The view outside is incredible," Courtney suddenly says, as she stares out the window. "I still can't believe your parents bought you a penthouse."

"Yeah," I murmur. "Well, it definitely beats having to pay rent."

"For sure," Courtney says as she walks over to my couch and then sits down. "This is so comfy."

"Hey, careful with the couch," I say. "It's still new."

Courtney rolls her eyes. "Relax, Heath. Nothing's going to happen. And if for some reason I do break it, I'll buy you a new one."

I let out a smile. Courtney and I didn't always get along, but after going to Business School together, we overcame our differences and become the closest of friends. Not only that, but we were also now work best friends too, working together at TD Consulting Inc—the most prestigious consultancy firm in Canada. Bonding together over a psycho boss definitely made work much more bearable.

"Make sure you're on the lookout for any cute neighbors," Courtney then says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes. "Double dates with you and Duncan are not happening. I'm—"

"—Focused on your work and career only, yes, I know," Courtney finishes.

"Yes, and speaking of which, Chris better be giving me that promotion soon," I say, with my arms folded. "He's been alluding to it for like, weeks now but nothing official has happened."

"I think he definitely will," Courtney agrees. "You totally smashed those last couple of projects, the clients were so impressed."

"I know," I smirk. "I do have a good feeling about it."

"I believe in you," Courtney says. "Hey, I have to head now but see you tonight?"

"Yeah," I reply, rolling my eyes. "I'm obviously not going to finish unpacking by then but see you tonight. Thanks again for helping me with the move."

In celebration of my new penthouse and rent-free life, I had reluctantly agreed to party boy Geoff's suggestion that we host a party at my place tonight. Once upon a time, people from my high school and I weren't exactly 'friends' but for the most part, we've moved past that now. The only people from high school who I don't exactly talk to are Gwen and LeShawna but I have absolutely zero objections about that.

The Jerk Next Door (Aleheather)Where stories live. Discover now