Part 1 News

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16-year-old in hospital after a vicious attack. The attacker was sentenced to 3 years in jail.

The headline of today's newspaper. Events like these seem to be more common than ever. More and more people start to worry. The story went into more detail about what had happened. I'll spare you the details. If only people weren't so cruel and had some self-control over themselves.

Headlines like these stir up a lot of controversies. Last week our neighbors got into a fight over whose fault it was. Victim blaming they call it. In our town of Blue Field, it's pretty hard to commit a crime since we all know each other. But even with criminals being caught they don't tend to get punished enough.

"Hey! Spark!" I looked up from the paper and saw my friend Sally. She was wearing a ripped pair of jeans with Converse sneakers and a striped t-shirt.

I smiled as she ran over, her light brown hair flowing and her blue eyes gleaming at me. Her dark skin shined and looked so perfect.

"Hey Sally, you heard what happened?"

"Of course I did. Only 3 years." She shook her head. Sally and I have been friends since 4th grade. We were both sophomores in high school. She had the looks of a feline and the personality of a raging bull.

"What can you do with a system like the one here? One day I'll move far away from here. Somewhere I can feel safe. Somewhere I can bring justice." Sally smiled at me and nodded.

"Same, I know my parents won't like it but I want to make something of myself. You know like all the famous people. Like Mother Teresa or Gandhi. By the way, are we still going to the movies?"

"Yeah of course. Should we get the others?" I jumped up to my feet and we started walking toward the town. Our group of friends consisted of 5 people; Sally, Johnny, Lucinda, Damon, and Me Spark. Of course, Spark isn't my real name it's just a nickname.

Johnny was like the daredevil of our group. He's rough, loud, and usually ends up in the hospital by the end of a long week. He's got blonde hair, and green eyes, and was white like a typical American. He doesn't look like the crazy type, especially with his kind and generous personality, but his crazy and unkept hair gives it away.

Damon was a living nightmare that somehow made it to the group. He used to shoot small animals with his dad but now he just steals cars and parks them in other people's fields. I think he got it from his folks. He's got deep brown eyes that stare into your soul and red flaming hair. He has a big scar on his hand shaped like a Z. He won't tell us how he got it.

And Lucinda. There's nothing out of the ordinary about her. She's a caring person and like the mom of our group. She's got brown hair and brown eyes that seem to shine whenever she looks at you. Her tan skin glowed as if she were an angel.

And there's me. Brown hair, brown eyes. Nothing special about me either.

While walking through our town I could hear people talking about the news. I heard both sides, people who were upset and others trying to justify what he did. I dragged my feet as I listened to what they were saying. The horrible things they said about that girl.

"Spark, you alright? Don't let the whole thing get to ya. You know there's not much we can do..."

"Yeah, I guess your right." I could see the others up ahead. Johnny was tossing rocks at Damon while he was trying to talk to Lucinda.


"Hey, guys!" I called over to them before Damon could get to Johnny. Lucinda smiled and greeted Sally while I said hi to the guys.

"Dude you hear what happened? That's like 3 this week!"

"Yeah, I heard he's in jail!" Damon hit Johnny on the back of his head.

"Course he is, Wonderbread. 3 years ain't enough. I say he should DIE!"

"I believe in giving people another chance. But in this case, I agree with Damon." The rest of the group agreed.

"So are we gonna see this movie?"

"Lucinda's right. Let's go." We rushed over to the theater to see "Police in Action Part 3: Karma's Got a List of Names". A few hours went by; the movie was enjoyable and had us talking all night.

"Well, Sally what did you think?"

"Well, it was an interesting movie. What about you Lucinda? What did you think of the main villain?"

"Oh well, I wouldn't say he's a villain. All he wanted was justice for those poor children."

"But he killed all those people. Isn't that what officers are supposed to stop? To stop people from killing each other." Johnny jumped in between them like an over-excited puppy
"Well, I like to think of it as what was it again?"


"Yeah! Karma! Ha! Just like the movie title!" He laughed back to our neighborhood. The sky began to darken and the stars came out. I looked up at them while we walked.

"It's a nice night isn't it?" I nodded.

"Yeah, it is. Hey Sally, maybe um sometime soon we can... Maybe go see another movie? But like a drive-in movie."

"Would it be just the two of us?" Her face lit up as she smiled. I could feel my ears warm up.

"Yeah, I guess. I just thought it would be nice if we spent some time together." She grabbed my arm and linked her with mine.

"I'd like that. It'll be quieter without Damon and Johhny arguing like school children every minute." I smiled and felt like I had won. I walked Sally home and then decided to go for a walk. My parents were out of town so I didn't need to worry much.

That movie had me thinking though. Did those guys really get karma? Or did someone take serving justice too far? I pondered on these thoughts for a while as I gazed up at the sky.

I ended up near a park and sat down on a nearby bench. I laid my jacket down so I wouldn't get any splitters. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second. As I dozed off I could have sworn I heard what sounded like music. A violin almost playing a sad, lonely, dark tune.

"SPARK WAKE UP!" I nearly jumped out of my skin. Sally. I sat up and saw I was still at the park. The sky was cloudy as if rain was coming soon.

"Jesus you scared me, Sally."

"Spark something happened."

"What do you mean what happened?" The loud sound of sirens could be heard. Not just one but many. I got up and watched as 2, 4, 6, 7 police cars rushed to a house nearby. Sally and I ran over to see what had happened. I saw officers, an ambulance, and a body bag. There was a pungent scent in the air almost as if there was roadkill.

"Officer, what happened?"

"Stand back we don't have all the details yet." A younger male officer came running out of the house. He looked horrible. His eyes were wide and his hands shook with fear. I knew it had to be bad.

Some neighbors came by with their questions.

"Sergeant Sir... You want to see this. I've never seen anything like it." Another officer came out and threw up. I wrapped my arm around Sally to prevent her from seeing anything.

"Alright, I'll take a look. Attention everyone! Go home! The police will handle this!" The people started shouting questions like "What happened?" "Did anyone get hurt?" "Was there a break-in?" "Should we be worried?"

"Sally let's go. Maybe one of the guys knows." We rushed over to our friend's houses.

I didn't know that this one incident was the start of a change in our town forever. And it was one I wished I never lived through.

Are the voices confusing? IDK if I should make them more clear lmk

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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