Chapter 4 The long night⚠️

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⚠️Smut chapter.⚠️Just so yall know I've never done this before so it might be bad.

Third person POV

Zack started to grind on Johan's dick then Johan grabbed Zack's ass and he gasped at the grasp and Zack was shocked at the sound he made. Johan lifted Zack up onto his lap and started to grind against him Zack started to softly moan then Johan flipped Zack over and was now on top of Zack

"Do you want to continue?" Zack nodded and Johan kissed him at first it was soft and then turned lustful and rough they both separated to breath they both had eye contact for a moment Johan taking in the moment of seeing Zack flushed face and plump red lips from kissing roughly and then started to kiss his jaw line and made kisses and proceeded to give hickeys all over his neck until Zack gasped and Johan imetidaly knew that was his spot and bit down to remember where to suck on, Zack moaned a long one and Johan proceeded to kiss down towards Zack's thighs he sucked and bit on them Zack moaned all throughout and gasped when Johan started to pump him

"Does it feel good?" Johan questioned

"Y-yes" Zack huffed he started to moan louder and faster as Johan started to pump him faster

"J-Johan i- I'm" Johan slowed to a stop and Zack whimpered at the lost of friction but then Johan gave him his two fingers Zack was confused on what to do

"Suck" Johan commanded and Zack proceeded to suck on Johan's finger, as he was sucking his finger Johan started to pump Zack again and Zack started to moan

"Keep sucking" Johan commanded again and Zack did so. Johan pulled his fingers out and stopped pumping Zack and Zack was again whimpered at the lost of friction and gasped at feeling his boxers coming off and feeling how cold the air was and felt that something was at his entrance

"A-are you g-going to put them i-in?" Johan raised a brow

"First time?" Zack nodded


"Yup" Johan slowly put his middle finger in loosening Zack's entrance

"I-it h-huuuuuuurts" Zack cried out

"Shhhhhh you'll get used to it and start feeling good" Johan started to move in and out of Zack and Zack was still feeling weird till Johan's finger hit something and he released a loud and long moan Johan proceeded to hit his good spot and put another finger in and started to hit his g-spot and scissoring him and added a third and fourth a while later, Zack was a moaning mess feeling his g-spot being hit over and over

"P-please g-give it to mee" Johan smirked

"Give you what hon? What do you want and I'll give it to you?" Zack gulped

"I w-want your dick" Johan chuckled

"What do you want hmmm tell me exactly what you want hon~" Zack was getting hornier every time he said hon

"I want your d-dick inside of me" Johan chuckles again

"What? I cant hear you hon~" Zack was getting annoyed and impatient

"I said i want you dick inside of me!"

"What~?" Johan was loving that he was teasing Zack but Zack had other ideas. Zack flipped over on top of Johan and took Johan's boxers off and looked at Johan's length, Johan cocked an eyebrow

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