the beginning

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Jan 15 2015
Sunday afternoon

Tighnari woke up upon hearing his alarm clock, he checked what time is it it was 2:00pm, realizing he overslept.

Nari: shit it's 2:00pm??? I must been overslept I gotta make lunch collei must be hungry

Tighnari went downstairs to find collei watching tv

Collei: oh hi master tighnari, you must been so sleepy hehe, oh btw I already made lunch

Nari: oh i-i see

Tighnari and collei sat down to eat lunch at the table.he have something to share to collei

Nari: my job is starting tomorrow morning.

Collei: oh cool what kind of job is it

Nari: oh just working at cafe nothing else.

Collei: Oooo that's nice

Nari: collei you must excited for tomorrow it's ur first day at school?

Collei: mhm I'm excited to meet new people!

Nari: that's nice I'm so proud of you!

Tighnari and collei finished they're lunch..
Nari washed the dishes after.He got a phone call from someone it was cyno
who was calling him

N: oh hello cyno!

C: hi nari, is it okay to you if we meet up later at the park?

N: ofc! I'll see you later there

C: thx later at 4:30 pm

C: oh btw I got something for you

N: oh what is it?

C: it's a secret:)


C: you'll see later...

N: oh okay, I'm excited to see it

C: I'm sure you'll be

N: cya

C:cya nari!

Phone call ended

Nari: I'm excited what my friend got something for me!

(To be continued)

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