Chapter 1

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                      -MARK'S POV-
"Ugh, what do you want, Cesar? It's two in the morning. Give me a break." I sit up in my bed and reach over to pick up the phone. "Yes, Cesar?" "Hey, umm... I had another nightmare. Can I come over?" Cesar's voice is hard to make out, but I can still hear what he's saying. "Ugh. Sure. Just hurry it up because I'm *yawn* really damn tired." I put down the phone and roll over in my bed. Why does he always have to come over here when he has his nightmares? I know he has other friends who might be willing to let him stay a night or two at their house. And it seems like the nightmares are becoming more of a reoccurring problem. He's pretty much having one every two nights. He might as well live over here, the damn guy.
I get my hoodie on and try not to fall asleep as I wait for Cesar. I'm pretty much used to having to stay awake since this whole 'nightmare' thing has been going on for around 2 months now. I hear a knock at my door. Must be Cesar. I walk up to the door and swing it open. I look down and there's Cesar, looking back up at me with tired eyes and a stupid half-smile. He's in something other than his suit and tie, which I'm very surprised about. He's dressed in a casual white t-shirt and sweats. It actually looks.. stylish on him. "Hey Cesar. Come on in." I sound groggy. Cesar notices. "Mark, I'm sorry. I hope it's not too late." "No, you're fine. Just sleep in my bed tonight. I'll take the couch." I usually make Cesar sleep on the couch as a sort of punishment for coming over so late. But tonight, I'm feeling nicer than usual. "Really?!" I see his eyes light up. I nod.  I can tell he's excited by the way he hops up and down and squeals. He rushes into the house, almost knocking me over trying to get past me. "Woah man! Slow down before I change my mind and make you sleep on the couch." I say. He stops and turns back to me. His eyes gleam. He turns back to the front and rushes down the hallway and into my room. "Ugh. What did I get myself into?" I ask myself. I prepare for a night of joint pain as I ready the couch.
Shit. I forgot a pillow. And the only ones I even have in this house are in my room. If I'm going to sneak in there, I have to be quiet and stealthy. I hold back rising anger as I walk down the hallway. Damnit, my doors closed. My door is super loud, and always creaks when you open it. Whatever. From what I know, Cesar is a pretty sound sleeper. And even if he is awake, what's he gonna do? Refuse to give me my own pillows? I don't think so. I gently open the door. I see Cesar, curled up in my bed, fast asleep. Man, that really didn't take long. Oh my fucking God. Why does this man HAVE to sleep with the only two pillows I have? One of the pillows is being used to rest his head on. The other is used as a makeshift body pillow. The bottom of it is shoved between Cesar's legs and the top of it is in his arms. He seems to be snoring a little. Must have gotten over his little nightmare incident. I walk to the edge of the bed and plot my decision. Should I take the head pillow? Or the body pillow? I can't decide.
After a few minutes, I choose the body pillow. Even if he doesn't have anything to cuddle, it still gives me a pillow of my own to rest my head on tonight. I gently reach over and tug at the corner of the pillow. It's stuck. This might take a little more effort than I anticipated. I tug a little harder. It still won't budge. I have no choice but to yank the pillow from him. I quietly mutter. "One.. two.. three!" As soon as I say three, I yank the pillow as hard as I can. It comes flying out of his grip and into mine. He stays asleep, which is good for me. I stare at his face for a moment. His breaths are steady and his mouth is slightly open. He's letting out little snores every once in a while. I struggle to look away. He's so cute. I pull the covers over him and he rolls over to face me. His eyes open and he looks up at me. He seems confused at my presence. "Mark, what are you doing in here?" "Uh- nothing! I just forgot a pillow is all." I find a quick response. "Oh. Well, you stole my cuddle pillow!" Cesar grabs at the pillow, but I put it just out of his reach. "Mark! Give it back!" He's swatting at the pillow now, trying and failing to get it out of my hands. We're both laughing, and all of a sudden, Cesar is tumbling out of my bed.
"Ahhh!" In a moment of panic, I outstretch my arms and catch Cesar right before he hits the ground. "..." We're both silent for a moment. He looks into my eyes. "Uh.. thanks." He squirms out of my arms and back into my bed. "You can keep the pillow." He rolls over in the bed to face the wall and not me. I stand there for a second, plotting my next move. "Would you had rather me not catch you?" I ask. He doesn't respond. He scoots over to the other side of the bed. For some reason, I climb in the bed with him. He flips over to face me again. "What are you doing? I thought you said you'd sleep on the couch tonight!" He doesn't seem uncomfortable about me laying here with him. "Change of plans." I say. I scoot a little towards him, to where we are almost touching. "Goodnight!" I say, and flip over. Cesar is so stunned, he doesn't move or say anything for a couple minutes. "Can I at least have my cuddle pillow back?" He asks. "Nope! It's mine now!" I flip over and flash him a smile. I turn back to my side. "Mark..." I know he's upset now, so I just try to fall asleep without thinking about him.
I'm drifting off now. The world seems to collapse around me as I enter my dreams. Suddenly, I feel something on me. What in the world? I open my eyes. Cesar's arm is draped over my chest. His leg is around my waist. He's.. spooning me? "Cesar, what are you doing?" I ask. It takes him a moment to respond. "Since you won't give my cuddle pillow back, I had to improvise!" Cesar says. I feel myself turn red. How is he accidentally being so damn cute? I try not to think about it and drift back off to sleep.

                      -CESAR'S POV-
I wish Mark would just give me my pillow back. I have to have something to cuddle at night, or else I'll have really bad nightmares. Luckily for me, I do still have something to cuddle. Mark! He doesn't seem too excited about it, but I don't care. He stole my pillow, and this is my payback! You don't wanna be in this situation? Then don't steal my pillow. It's as simple as that. He is warm, though, which is somewhat comforting. He also looked... handsome tonight. I know, it's weird considering he wears the same clothes pretty much every time we see each other. But there's just something about tonight that makes him look cuter than usual.
Before I know it, it's the next morning. I wake up in a daze. Mark isn't here anymore, and I'm cuddling my pillow instead of him. Was it all just a dream? Or did he just give me my pillow back when he got up for the morning? Whatever the case, I stretch and get out of bed. Mark has a mirror in the corner of his room, which I use to aid my appearance. Oh my. My hair looks terrible. I try to flatten it down but smoothing my hand over it, but it's no use. "Crap. Well, I guess this is what we're working with for now until I find a decent comb." I say to myself. I walk into Mark's kitchen. He isn't there either. I really thought he could be making me breakfast. But, when was the last time he did anything for me? Never. Yet, I am still friends with him. I rummage through his fridge, looking for an easy meal. Jackpot! Waffles. I just need to find his toaster-
"Cesar, what are you doing?" I am so frightened, I drop the box of Eggo waffles. I spin around. Mark is at the other side of the kitchen with his hands in his hoodie. His hair is also a mess (no surprise there). "Nothing! Nothing at all! Just.. getting myself some breakfast." I bend down to pick up the box of waffles I dropped. When I retrieve them, Mark is standing closer to me now. Instead of being all the way across the kitchen, he is only about 8 feet away from me. "Need any help or do you got this?" He asks. I'm taken aback by his sudden wanting to help me. He's usually not like this. "..uh.." I can't find the words "Yes" and "please", so I form the one sentence that comes to my mind. "Kiss me, Mark!"
I cover my mouth with my hands. We look at each other in stunned surprise. "What did you say?" Mark is the first to break the silence. "N-nothing. I just need help finding the toaster." I can tell I've messed myself up. My voice is shaking as I place the box of waffles onto the counter and slink into the corner. Mark walks past me and grabs the toaster from a bottom cabinet. He plugs it into the wall. "There you go." "Thanks, Mark." I have to tell him. I have to tell him that those words just slipped out of my mouth. They didn't mean anything. But, for some reason, they did. If I told Mark they meant nothing, I'd just be lying. Did I really want him to kiss me?..

                ---END OF PART ONE---

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