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Y/n POV:

we were all just hanging out in the masters house and talking, well most of us. giyuu was in a corner looking at everyone, muichiro was staring at the sky as always and I was staring at giyuu. why? just because. Also because I had a major crush on him. since the day I became the (b/s) hashira I fell heads over heels for him, but I try to hide it because I know he will never feel the same for me. not ugly, worthless little me. I sighed out loud as everyone looked at me. whoops.

"hey, guys are you hungry? I go get some snacks because i'm starving!" I said before walking away. I really was not hungry but I really hated the attention.

as I waked down the hall I heard some noises. going to investigate I went closer until I was outside the door. when I opened it my eyes widened. it was a kid manhandling a little girl who was crying. she had a look in her eyes that said 'what did I do wrong?' I backed away and hit the wall and that was what did it for me.

"stop it." I whispered tears rolling down my eyes. the flashbacks started. the whips, the punches, the broken pieces of glass. my drunk 'father' and my big 'brother'. " don't hurt me! please" I shouted. the pain of the whip lashes sending chills up my spine. my blood painting the floor red. "no dont please" I kept on repeating it as I curled up into a ball. 'you ugly bitch stop shouting or I will rip out your throat!' I heard my father say. I could hear the insults thrown at me over and over again like a hurricane of belittling phrases. bitch slut idiot dumbass

shinobu POV:

we were waiting for y/n when niho came up to me. she had tears tracks on her face and was rubbing her arm. it looked as though she was terrified and in pain. "what happened niho?" "its y/n! inosuke was grabbing me and shaking me and then y/n came in the room and then... then she started shaking and crying! I'm sorry!" she started sobbing. I took action as fast as I could and told matsuri to calm niho down. "the rest of you follow me." I was shocked when I saw Tomioka rush past me!

giyuu POV:

when the girl said what happened to y/n I knew exactly what happened. the others were looking confused but not me so when shinobu was telling the others what to do, I ran past her and started to look for y/n.

the truth is two things actually. 1. I knew she was having a panic attack but I didn't know why. 2. I liked y/n. a lot. I try not to show it but it's true. every time I saw her I had to resist smiling. her pretty (e/c) eyes were so easy to stare into and that hair... how I wished to touch it and run my hands through it.

when I got to y/n my eyes softened at the sight. she was curled up in a ball shaking, shivering, screaming.

"NO! please NO! anything but the knife!" the... knife? what? I thought it was just about a mission gone wrong but... knife?

I tried getting her attention but however much I tried it wouldn't work. usually that worked for me. by this time the others had arrived. "tomio-" "shh" I snapped " I need to think." I tried to get other ways of getting her to calm down but no. "y/n, can you hear me?" I asked, when she nodded I said " I want you to name 5 things you can see. can you do that?"

"the knife!" she gasped.

suddenly an idea came to me, but she might get mad... never mind, I dont care! as long as it gets her out of this situation!

slowly I leaned down and inched closer to her. "what are you doing, Tomioka?" shinobu asked but I ignored her. then, blushing bright red I kissed her. I saw her eyes widen in shock.

y/n POV:

I could hear my 'father' laughing as he cut my arms, not caring whether or not I withered in pain. then suddenly I felt something against my lips. it was soft and felt nice so I focused on that. slowly I saw that it was giyuu who was kissing me. I felt my self blush as I looked down. "th- thank you." I said, my voice hoarse. someone handed me water and I gulped it down.

"I think we need to talk, y/n." shinobu said as I nodded. I stood up but felt really dizzy so giyuu let me hold on to him. I was getting really flustered as we walked there. by the time we arrived, there was only 2 spaces next to each other. we sat down but I tried not to be all over him.

"y/n what happened back there?" shinobu asked, I could feel every one looking at me as I looked down. "I'm sorry, it was just a panic attack. But it's fine, really, because I get them all the time, you guys just saw one of the worst ones I had! it's no reason for worry at all." I said. 'yeah, why should you worry about a stupid bitch?'

I stood up, wanting to leave the room immediately, wanting to punish my self for being such a weak bitch, for making everyone waste their time. as I started to walk out, I felt someone grab my hand. I tried to resist and keep walking but I couldn't. 'pathetic, weak idiot' I sighed and turned around. they were all looking at me in shock and sympathy.

"don't. don't look at me like that, ok. I dont deserve this. stop wasting your care, your time, your effort, ok? I am pathetic, weak, ugly, an undeserving brat who came up to the hashira level by luck! just leave me alone!" I shouted. giyuu who was beside me looked at me..

"don't say that...please." he took me over to the couch again and made me sit down. " can you tell us why.... why would you say that about yourself because it isn't true! we all care about you and in no way what-so-ever are we 'wasting' our time or effort. who ever says that we don't is a total idiot. your strong, beautiful and you deserve everything that you get, maybe even more! you worked your ass off to get to this position so dont say that it was just by luck!"

the others were speechless because never in their life had they heard giyuu talk so much. shinobu was about to say something but was interrupted by giyuu

giyuu POV:

the amount of anger I felt at this moment could not be put into words. how dare someone makes her think like that! she was a precious angle who had gone through so much.

" you are the most amazing person I know and actually I admire you for your courage!" I really was not thinking straight when I said this next part. " I like you a lot y/n! for your courage, your beauty, your smile, your tactics when your fighting, the way you respect everyone!" then I leaned towards her and kissed her, completely forgetting about the others in the room. her lips were soft and tasted like (f/b).


y/n POV:

" I like you a lot y/n! for your courage, your beauty, your smile, your tactics when your fighting, the way you respect everyone!" when he said that I was blushing so much and then all of a sudden he... kissed me? it took me a moment to realize what he's doing and when I did I kissed him back. this was the first time I had been kissed by someone. well technically second if you count the one during the panic attack.

"ahem!" someone said. I completely forgot they were in the room! I was so flustered. "~ara ~are Tomioka! that was probably the most you've ever talked!"

" KYAAAA!!! the way he confessed was soo romantic!" I could feel everyone staring at me. I really hate this. i let out a yawn, suddenly feeling very tired. shinobu showed me to a spare room to let me sleep. the last thought in my head was how soft giyuu lips were.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi guys!

i hope you enjoyed this because i worked a long time on it but sadly no editing was done although there should only be a few grammer mistakes.

also the picture on top is like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *lets out inhumane sound*

this was 1417 words and im tired so bai!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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