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I walk into work, once again a tea in my hand. I head over to Wanda's desk and sit on her lap, not sure why, I'm just happy. She giggles and looks around to make sure no ones looking at us. I roll my eyes at her.

"Ash, what are you doing?" She giggles again

"Geting comfortable why?" I say playing it off

"Come on. Come on. Get up cutes." I get up as she contuines to push me, I sigh

"So right when I get done with work I'll meet you at the bar down the road." I semi question, she shacks her head still laughing at me

"Yes. Ash yes."

"Great! Can't wait!" She smiles, her smiles so beautiful and full of hope. It makes me calm.

"Ms.Lynn." I hear and look towards the voice, it's romanoff, she has a weird lustful anger look on her face. Weird.

I go over to her, she let's me in her office and closes the door.

"What. Are you doing." She says sternly, I look at her confused

"What do you-" She never let's me finish I should of known she was gonna cut me off.

"Please. Keep your hands off of my assistant." She states, I laugh I found that very amusing. Is she jealous my hands aren't on her? Or is just being genuinely annoyed I was siting on wanda (get your minds outta the gutter) and doesn't want it in her office building. I soon realize my mistake in laughing and quickly shut up. She was nit in a joking mood.

"Your at work. I expect you to act like it Ms. Lynn. If you can't you might as well leave. Grow up and be an adult. Your not in high-school or college. Your professor can't give you special treatment to keep you here." Of course she brought them up, she can't go a day without it anymore. I scoff at her a new found confidence courses through my vains as I look towards her with a ferious laugh.

"I didn't get special treatment. Quit using it against me to make yourslef feel better because honestly it's annoying and wrong when you don't know the story." I walk up to her face to face "Oh and by the way. I can date whoever I like it's none of your business. And I'm not dating wanda. I'm being cute." I pause "thats why you hired me. I have a cute face and can make people do whatever I want with it. That's why you need me to be confident so you can get your way." I finish, she puts her hand on my waist and pulls me in closer to her. I have to slightly look up. I flutter I don't play i don't look away. I stare in her eyes as she does me.

"My job I'd to teach you. I need you to be confident or you and your frigial self won't survive in this line of work. I'm teaching, I'm doing my job. You are not." She states glaring at me, her once strong green eyes look at me now with a darker shade to them, as she lowers her voice. Stern lingering in her tone.

"So puting your hand up my dress is doing your job? Cause last I checked that's harassment." I cock an eye brown and scrunch my noise a bit on the last word. Anger spewing in my voice

"It's not harassment if you don't move it. You seemed to like it last I check. You ran to the bathroom, no doubting you were gonna fuck yourself." I feel my legs heat as I rember that day. I close my legs pressing them together, she sees my actions. "Case in point." I finally look away, but she grabs my chin and makes me look at her again, her other hands runs up and down my waist, I bit my lip. "Now be a good girl and go do your job." She let's me go, I fix my dress and start to walk out. Confidence gone.

I really do hate her.


"You made it!" Wanda says, I smile and nod siting at the table with her

"So how was talking with Tasha this morning?" She asks, I sigh, she laughs

"She said I couldn't date you blah blah blah. And don't get me started on how much I hate her." She laughs again I look to her pouting "What's so funny, she hurt my feelingsss" I drag put the 's'

"Well for one your very naive. And two who said we were dating and I'd we were she'd have no say, it's are personal lives after all." She smiles as she takes a sip of her drink

"Yeah but she has this hold on me where I can't do anything. Don't get me wrong I'm to shy to do anything but it's annoying, i- I hate her." I sigh, she laughs again.

"Tashas just not that own of a person so she keeps to herself, don't worry she's not all that bad and I'm sure she doesn't hate you." Wanda says, a waiter starts to walk over

"Oh no. She hates me." I simply state, I then look to the waitress.

"Hello, I'm Layla. What can I get you both?"

"We're gonna stick to drinks, could I have a refill of this." Wanda says handing the lady her glass

"Moscato please." I state, the lady nods and leaves I look to wanda, she has a cocked eyebrow. It makes me blush

"Wh-what?" I stutter as I start to play with my fingers

"You like sweet stuff? I thought you be more into stronger drinks" Wanda simply states, I smile

"It that a bad thing?"

"Oh yes. I could never talk to you again."

"I- well-" I stutter again

"I'm messing with you, though your state is cute." She scrunched her nose, it's very cute. I blush again. Not only by her calling me cute but that nose scrunch.

"Your blushing sweets." I turn into a tomato at the pet name, I bury my fave in my hands, she starts to laugh

The waitress comes with the drinks, before she goes I get her attention

"Can I have straight vodka aswell please." She nods her head

"Yes and what's the bill type, split or?"

"I'm paying" Wanda says before I can.

"Great, have a good evening ladies." She walks away

I down my wine in a second

"Who knew I could make you flustered by a pet name."


In my English class I have to write a poem, anyone wanna help me decide what to write abt?

Not wanting to sleep

School system w/ grades

How everyone is focused on having g to be perfect

Something not serious

Any other things?

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