The film begins with Enola Holmes running from the local police. As she gets to an alleyway, she addresses the viewers and takes them back to how she got herself into this situation.
"Oh great. This was recent clearly." Enola sighs.
"How can you tell?" Mycroft asks.
"My outfit is fabulous."
Since her last adventure, Enola has started her own detective agency, but she has not been able to escape the shadow of her more famous brother Sherlock . Their mother, Eudoria, is also still on the run, while Tewkesbury is continuing his crusade for reform in England, and although Enola misses him, she says she has no time for distractions.
Enola sighs at this whilst her brother Sherlock looks slightly guilty at his sisters misfortune.
Enola is visited by a young girl named Bessie, who asks her to locate her missing foster sister, Sarah Chapman. Bessie brings Enola to her home, next to a match factory where orphan girls are being forced to work. Enola meets Mae, an older, more abrasive girl that isn't happy with Bessie going to her for help over Sarah. Enola looks for clues around the girls' room and comes across a paper that says "12 March", believing it to be a date. Bessie also informs Enola that Sarah had gotten into an argument with the factory's foreman, Mr. Crouch, who says Sarah was stealing something from his office.
"I mean, I did..." Sarah mutters.
"For good reson though." Enola repsonds, as the puzzle begins to become more obvious as she watches it back.
Enola follows Bessie to the match factory to pose as a new worker. She creates a diversion to sneak into Crouch's office, where she sees the factory owners, Henry and Hilda Lyon, plus their son William, in a meeting along with Treasury Minister Lord Charles McIntyre and his secretary Mira Troy. Enola finds a book with pages that Sarah tore out and took with her. She also finds old matches that had red tips instead of the white ones the girls work with.
"Are you trying to get yourself arrested?" Mae groans.
At night, Enola follows Mae to The Paragon Theatre, where Mae works a second job as a stage performer with a troupe of other women. When Enola goes investigating in the dressing room, Mae confronts her with a knife, but she doesn't give Enola any information she wants about what Sarah was doing in Crouch's office. However, she does manage to bribe the stage manager into talking, as Sarah also worked there and was involved with a mysterious man. The manager gives Enola a poem that Sarah received. As Enola walks alone, she is followed by a man with a cane.
Sherlock gasps audibly at this but before he can say anything, his drunk self is shown.
She walks faster until she runs into Sherlock being thrown out of a pub, as he is too drunk to stand on his own and requires Enola's help to get home.
"Really? That is what you do on a night Sherlock?" Mycroft complains.
"No! Just when I'm... stuck.. on a case..."
After bringing Sherlock back to his home, Enola sees a board in his office over his latest case that has him stumped. In the morning, Sherlock deduces that Enola was working in the match factory due to the residue under her fingernails and he becomes concerned that she is in danger. Enola leaves and later runs into Tewkesbury in the park, where it's clear they still have feelings for one another. She then reviews the poem again and finds that it's a coded message that reveals a location in Whitechapel.
Holmes' React to Enola Holmes and her films
FanfictionEnola's family and others watch the films, edits etc. #5 Reaction Obviously, i don't own any characters or the main plot line!