Part 1 - Move

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Jaylah put down her last book, She stared at it and began to shed a tear as she realised that this was it. she removed the last of her decor from her room gently placing it in the cardboard box that had the name 'Jaylah McNair'. She took out the picture that had a small coffee stain on the Side. she stared, the emotion running from her face and turning her skin pale and white. Her roommate looked at her. JAYLAH she exclaimed "Hurry up before we get a late charge, I'm not covering for you again" "Fine" Jaylah said "I'm going as quick as I can. It's just" "Ohhh Jaylah," her roommate said giving her a comforting hug, "It's time to move on now It's been 4 years since your mother died" "it's just" jaylah stuttered "this college is the last memory of her that I have, Its the last thing that connects me to her. The last thing she said was  "chase your dreams Jaylah" and I can't even figure out what my dream is, or what I want to do what if this was my dream and now my life is meaningless" Her roommate wiped Jaylah's tear off of the bottom of the picture that said 'Princeton University class of 1998' "Your Mom would be proud of you Jaylah, always remember that" Jaylah threw the picture in the box and quickly tapped the box shut. She waddled her way down the narrow halls of her dorm that over the past four years, she had come to love. When she wandered down the stairs she tripped up on a small notch in the steps Falling gracefully into the arms of Mick. Mick was a tall athletic football player. as he let go of her he smiled. "Thanks," she said storming passed him. Mick was another one of the rich people whose parents had paid their college tuition, Mick was one of the nicer boys. Jaylah Her Roommate screamed "you are so blind, that boy was clearly looking at you. If you would stop being so obsessed with something that you can't change you would open your eyes to the people around you"

Dear Diary,

Today I am moving from this dull town, I have fallen in love, with the city. My Dad has let me work at his company until I find my feet. I have never been more excited. I hope that I will find somebody to love me. I mean how hard could it be there are 8 million people surely one of them will like me. I just feel so lost after losing mom I don't understand how dad moved on so quickly

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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