Chapter 1

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Before you start reading, I'm sorry for the eventual grammar errors, because I'm not english -w-.
AAAND, this may not follow the real story, because I don't play Cookie Run: Ovenbreak, so I don't really know the story.
Well, enjoy this crappy book I guess🥲

---Lilac's pov---

It was quite strange for me, but that afternoon some random stranger came to me and gave me a paper, with an address wrote on it. They were taller then me, they had an hood on, with a tuft of lavender hair sticking out. After giving me that paper, they immediately ran away again, without explaining. I was quite confused. Why would someone aproach me? Ofcourse, they needed me to do something for them, maibye something illegal. It append me once before, someone asked me to arm someone, in exchange for some coins. The reason why cookies want me to do stuff for them, is because I never got caught. I was still confused while I was reading the paper. It said:

"Come behind the market when the sun sets, don't be late"

How could I trust them? Maibye it was just a trap, maibye they were just trying to frame me. But maibye it was just some random stranger, who really needed something. Well, if not, I knew how to defend myself.

As the paper said, I was on my way to the market when the sun started to set. When I got there, nobody was there. «I knew it, it's a trap» I thought. I held my chakrams tight, with the feeling that danger was near. Danger is always near, everything can kill you in a split second, even the most apparently innocent thing. I learnd this from life. Suddenly, something behind me moved. Without even thinking of it, I quickly turned around and almost hit them but...

«I see you pay attention to what is happening around you, very well, I knew I wasn't gonna regret it, you really seemed someone perfect for this mission, you know?» it didn't take me long to recognize who it was. Everything was starting to make sense now, the lavender tuft of hair looked really familiar at first, but I didn't pay to much attention to it, but now I knew who it was.

«Sir Plain Yogurt Cookie?» I was quite surprised, that the son of the richest
merchant of Yogurca needed me for something. What did he want from me? What if for the first time I really got caught? Nah, impossible. I've always been careful when I went on a secret mission.

«What do you want from me?»

«Well, isn't it rude of you to not even introduce yourself? I guess I have to do it first so you can see how you do it. My name, as you know, is Plain Yogurt Cookie, oldest son of the richest merchant of Yogurca, and...»

«Yea yea, save it, I know who you are, and I don't owe you and introduction. Just, tell me what you want alredy, I don't have time to waste.»

«Mh, you seem to be a tough one. Alright, let's skip the introductions part. So, you wanna know why I called you here?»

«I guess»

«Good. Well, as you might know, I have a younger brother»

«Ofcourse I know, who doesn't? he is heir to the throne and all your father's estate after all»

«Exactly my point. He has always been our father's favourite, since the day he was born. Our father has always spoiled him, and soon, he changed his will, and he decided to give everything to my brother, and just a few thousand coins to me. And I recently decided that he doesn't deserve all of that. So... I assume you understood what I want you to do...I want you to kill my brother. Don't worry, I will repay you generously...»

Everything was dark now, the sun had totally disappeared, and the only form of light was the shine of the moon, which watched everything from above, in silence.

Did I hear right? Did he really want me to kill his only brother, the rightful heir to the throne of Yogurca? Killing cookies certainly didn't bother me, because I know some deserve it. But killing the prince was...different, and more difficult for me. But thinking about the benefits, maybe I could do it. What were the benefits? Money. Everyone who asked me to commit a crime gave me a good amount of coins in return, and I really needed it at that moment.

«How much do I get in return?»

«Ooh well, what do you think about... 1 million coins? Does it satisfy you? Mh?»

Well, 1 million coins sure was a lot, especially for me. I've never had much money, and what little I had I earned by stealing, doing illegal things for other people or more rarely by selling drugs. It was a real benefit for me.

«Fine, I will. Just one thing: You can't fool me. If you don't give me the money, I will make your life hell, got it, rich boy?»

«Oh, don't worry, I keep my promises. Anyway, you have one month from tomorrow, if you fail, you can kiss the money goodbye and I will tell the authorities that you have agreed to kill a person for money. So don't mess with me.»

Having said that, he turned and ran. Maybe I still didn't realize what I had agreed to do. I had to kill the prince, Yogurt Cream Cookie, and this time if I was going to make it I had to be really careful. If they'd caught me here, they'd have cut off my head for sure. But how was I going to kill him? Sure, first I had to earn his trust, but how was I going to get close to the prince? I had heard that as soon as someone dared to touch him or speak to him, he was immediately met by a dozen bodyguards, who followed him everywhere. Wait, his bodyguards followed him everywhere, right? And I've heard they were all missing, so the prince was left without. What if I proposed to become the prince's new bodyguard?

«This could work» I thought, has I silently went back to my home.
Well, I didn't have a place I could really call home, as I was out often and only came back some nights. I didn't sleep myself much, I didn't need to. But dancing helped me a lot to relax when I was stressed or more often tired. I've been dancing since I was very little, since I've never had my parents by my side and I had to find a way not to get bored, and there weren't many options.

It was the first time in two weeks that I had been home, and I would soon have to change places again or they would find me out.

That night I couldn't sleep. I was quite excited, and I don't usually get excited. But I had made a deal for a lot of money, which would change my life forever. I would no longer have to change places often but I would have a permanent place to stay. I would have had a better life. So, I silently waited for the sun to rise, the next morning.

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