6. Breakup before dating

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At home.

She cleaned up the kitchen, went grocery shopping, stocked the fridge, googled a simple recipe and made dinner—subconsciously considering her mother who was in the care of the hospital. When she realised she had an extra plating, she thought of inviting Jungkook then later tossed the thought away.

He must be busy, she thought, the words bitter in her mind. She recalled him saying it over and over again through the course of the last four years. Instead of the images of him getting rid of a body in a ditch somewhere popping up, it was him in the arms of another woman, intimate with one another behind closed doors. Or open.

A secret from her.

She pulled out a chair from the dinning room, a loud screech tearing her from her track of thoughts as she plopped down and held her soup spoon

It was his life. He owned his choices and had a right to his privacy. Yet, she felt offended that she wasn't aware of what was happening in his life.

She didn't pry, he didn't either.

It was an unspoken rule between them given their profession. A Lot of things were better off unsaid.

He isn't a virgin.

'Clang' the spoon fell beside the flowered bowl on the table.

Embarrassment washed over her.

All the times she openly confessed to him, made herself a fool. The amount of times she stalked him, made him aware of her intentions.

She wanted the world to crumble on top of her and smother her memories.

Unwelcomed tears sprang to her eyes and she quickly switched her attention to her soup.

It's fine. He hasn't rejected her less than ten times and she handled each one splendidly. It didn't hurt back then.

Why does it hurt so much now?

A choked sob tore through the empty house. The walls pitifully watched a young heart smash to smithereens for the second time in its lifetime.

Her sleeping schedule was fucked up. She couldn't even cry herself to sleep. Her body had an urge to do something: go down stairs to grab a snack, play a game on her phone, she turned to her lamp table and groaned, remembering she forgot her laptop in the office.

Her fingers itched for her laptop. She needed to type something, write something, look for something or someone.

She peeled the comforter to her waist and grabbed her phone.


The name stared at her from her screen.

Jungkook really was one.

"I hate you." She tapped on the three dots on the top right then on 'block'. Her finger scrolled, tapped on 'lattae'.

Taehyung picked up on the second ring.

"Please say you are downstairs bringing me boba."

A smile cracked on her lips igniting a pinching pain at the bottom of her eyes. She cleared her throat. "I wish. I'm bored. Is there something that I can do?"

She could hear Taehyung's smile in his voice. "Are you sure you are quitting?"

"Well? Do you have something? Something that I can work on my phone?"

"Oof. You can't use your phone. Want to risk all your info?" Pause. "You can come over or do you prefer I pick you up?"

"I'll be there in a minute."

JJK ff| Obsession 1| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now