?????? wip yeah

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There he was. There they all were. I had no idea what their names were or what they were doing or where they came from. They all stood before me and he was in front of the crowd -- the army. His army.

He grinned a devilish, terrible grin. A grin that could make anybody sick and nervous and want to hide away. And then, with a loud, booming laugh that resounded throughout the laboratory, he nodded to his army, and I heard it. A screeching sound so deadly, so utterly deafening, I felt as though I had died right there, standing in front of him. Everything was hazy and my hands that clutched the sides of my head were sweaty and I could feel my hair ripping out of my scalp.

And then that screeching stopped, and I heard a loud rip. With any strength I had left to muster, I looked up. I fell to my knees and screamed. It was coming. It was falling. On top of me. I'm dead. I'm going to die. This is it. Oh Lord, this is how I will die. Right here, right now. I'm staring up as an incredibly large anvil is falling above me. I'm going to be flatten.

It's coming.

It's almost there.


Chapter one.

This must be what death feels like. It's as dark as the inside of my eyelids. Do I even have eyelids anymore? I don't think so. If I'm flatten then I don't have anything. But wait. I can heard something. It's becoming louder. I know what this sound is. It's one of the sounds I heard before the anvil fell.

I'm listening to myself screaming but I am dead. I am thinking about how I am listening to myself screaming but I am dead and I am pretty sure dead people cannot think nor hear.

I have come to the conclusion that I am either dead and this is the tunnel of light and I am trapped in it so I am almost dead but not quite or that I'm not dead at all.

The screaming stops. I open my eyes. It's blurry, everything is blurry, but I can see. I can hear myself breathing now. I am not dead, not in the tunnel of light, nor Heaven or Hell.

But... Just where on Earth am I?

I stood up and got my grounds. As my vision became less and less blurred, I became more aware that I was not at all anywhere I had any knowledge of. What is this place? It's so colorful, the sky is a perfect shade of blue and the clouds a perfect white. The green of the grass was so solid, it seemed as though it was fake. I took a clump of it and rolled it around in my hands for a few seconds. It was fake! It was like plastic. I threw the clump back on the ground, disappointed that grass this green wasn't real at all.

I looked back up at the sky. The clouds moved by slowly, as if they had no care in the world. It relaxed me a bit, but I felt anger burning deep inside me. Everything here was so peaceful but I have no idea where here is! This place seems otherworldly. Like it's a dream. Maybe this all was a dream. Maybe I wasn't going to be crushed by a huge anvil no more than 15 minutes ago. I think I'm crazy. I think this is all created by my own mind. I think I underestimated my own mind's power, if that's the case. Shaking my head and sighing, I realized none of this is going to help me at all. I need to find out where I am, and how to leave this place. And trying to figure out the meaning of my life and how the average teenager's mind works isn't going to do squat.

A breeze blew passed me then, carrying my discarded handful of grass and several clouds with it. I watched the clouds move away quicker than they did before. And then something seemed to jump out at me. I shielded my eyes from the blaring sun and squinted hard at the sky. There were planes up there! Dozens of planes. Or what looked like planes, I suppose. More like large cars with airplane wings, really. I'm not sure how such a thing possible, but then again, I survived my death only moments ago. Anything can really happen now.

I thought about signaling them to come rescue me. The likeliness of any of them actually seeing me and coming down here was low. Speaking of low, these planes were the exact opposite. They were so high up in the sky that it seemed as if they went any higher they'd being flying around space. They were almost unseeable from down where I was standing, they were truly only misty shapes and it was almost as if they were getting more distant by the minute.

I let out a huge puff of frustrated air and plopped back down on the grass. The breeze blew again and it ruffled my hair and sent a shiver down my spine. But that wasn't the only thing it brought with it. It brought a sound, the sound had a pattern, like walking. Crunch, crunch, crunch. It got louder and louder and I scrambled to my feet to see if my predictions were correct. Yes, I was right. I saw another person as they came into view from the bottom of the hill. I was so shocked I couldn't move or say anything. I can't say why I was so surprised, I'm not really sure what I was expecting when I ended up here. (Apparently I assumed I was actually in a paradise of somesort. But of course, people had to mess that up too.) From the look on the stranger's face, I could tell he was just as shocked to see me here. 

We stood in silence for another moment or so, taking in every one of eachother's features. And this stranger wasn't bad looking, either. He was tall and quite handsome, to be honest. His clothing wasn't dirty, and his hair looked soft and nice to run your fingers through. It wasn't short, but it wasn't too long either. It flew with the breeze as it rolled by again. His eyes were wide and a beautiful chocolate brown. I felt almost agrravated by the sight before me. It seemed as though this stranger was nothing short of almost princely, and I was stuck looking like the chimney-sweep.

No, seriously. I'm dressed in what could possibly be an old tattered potato sack. My hair is the most tangliest, messiest thing I've ever beared witness to. I must look positively dead, almost as dead as I feel inside right at this moment. I honestly have no memory of how I ended up looking this way, but I guess being crazy makes you forget things sometimes.

"Are you two mouth-breathers just going to fucking stare at eachother like that all day?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2013 ⏰

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