Back to New York, But at what cost?..

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Starting with the Krangs pov bc why not!🤩🤩
Warning there will be mentions of killing in this chapter along side with blood:)


Krangs pov:

As we were getting a sample for experiment 078, a new name for the specimen because she had turned into a hybrid of a human and a supposedly a new creature called a "void ram" after the first ever sample we had given to her. Just then I heard the human - krang recruit saying "Leader. Specimen 078 has escaped from her tube." I dropped the sample and went towards the tube. Specimen 078 had been missing. "That can't be right.. 078 had never shown any energy after we had given her the samples.." I said with fear. Just then the recruit then said "She may have not leader, but she might've been storing her energy for this very moment.." The human recruit said with a nervous look on his face. Just then we heard a blood curdling scream from the other side of the ship, when the screaming was done we saw a head of a krang member. "Oh my goodness.." I said under my breath. We saw that the head had no eyes, like if it was pulled out of it's eye sockets and a pool of blood were the neck should be. "SET THE ALARMS TO-" I was cut off by another horrific image I saw in my very eyes.

Viola's pov:

As they were focused on the decapitated head of the krang member I took the chance to put the human - krang recruit out of it's misery. I can tell that he never wanted to be turned into a recruit, it was like he was forced. I snuck behind them and used a towel I found and snapped his neck, gently so the krang member could not hear. I heard it say to set the alarms to find me but as soon as it had turned around to find it's recruit he already had a snapped neck. "So, after two years of torture, we meet face to face." I told it with my anger boiling up from the pain it had put me through. "Please, we can make you l-leader" it said in a scared voice, stuttering on it's last word. I knew this was a trick. I saw it through their eyes, I knew if it wanted to they would've done it when I first turned into the hybrid I had became. I ran towards it, head first and pierced through it chest. It choking on it's breath. I pulled out my horns and started to dissect it, like if it was a frog. I heard it's blood curdling screams but it didn't matter to me. I ripped out it's insides, giving it the same pain it had given me for the past two years.

Krangs pov:

I was screaming as specimen 078 ripped out my insides, when she was finished she was covered in blood. Or was she done? She then went to my head, grabbing a pocket knife and started to pull out my eyes. It felt like fire, going around my eyes and around my chest. "The names Viola, not specimen 076 or 078." In a cold dark voice. I then felt cold. Then I died.

Viola's pov:

I took it's heart as a accomplishment for beating it, permanently. I then used some of my energy to make a portal and a white portal appeared to me. "It worked, time to head home now." I stepped through the portal and shut it closed, to keep the krang to not come to Earth. "Task completed, now to find the red eared slider that betrayed me two years ago". I said to myself. I knew I couldn't be seen like this, people might think I was in a murder scene. Since it was dark I took the chance to go to a mall and rob some items. I took a black hoodie, with baggy pants and black chained high heel boots. "Sweet gear" I thought to myself. As soon as I was gonna leave I saw 6 figures that fell from the roof. 4 green turtles, different breed and two humans, one from the future. "I can't fight them right now. I used to much of my energy" I said to myself. I ran from the scene then into the night sky.

Leo's pov:

As we were gonna catch the villain we saw that they ran as soon as we came to the shimmering moon light and went to the night sky. "Huh, guess they only steal stuff but not fight" Donnie said while laughing. I chuckled with him as well until Casey pointed out saying "Guys, look what they left behind though.." he said in a worried expression. We turned around and saw blood on some clothing, probably belonging to the villain. "Oh my God, I'm gonna be sick!" Mikey said in a disgusted tone. I was horrified by the sight of how much blood there was on the clothing. It looked like it was drenched. But I also noticed something else. I found a note saying "I'm back and I want my revenge and my necklace I left here." I was horrified to this note. I threw it away quickly making sure no one should find it. I knew this was someone, but who?

Ok 907 words done in this chapter wow!🌺🌺 I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter but dang Leo, don't even know who you betrayed smh. Anyways bye lovelies ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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