Davina Preston: Anytime

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This entire night, I was given outrageous compliments. And I was beginning to believe them.

The ego I've never realized existed had began being fed, fueled, fired?

I excused myself to use the restroom only for my heel to become undone again.

I walked out, seeing them gush over something, holding each other while watching the scene so I stayed in the bathroom a little longer.

I tried fixing it myself.

But the metal bit looked like it was about to snap off.

God damnit.

I stepped out of the bathroom before running into someone.

I looked up.

"My heel is broken." I groaned.

I leaned down, taking my heel off.

"Why'd you take so long?" Damien asked.

"I didn't take long." I frowned.

He took the heel.

"You did." He said.

"I'm fine. You don't have to stand by the door of the girls bathroom." I laughed.

"That's what happens when you take a while." Azriel came from behind him.

"You guys were being cute together so I waited." I said, trying to take my other heel off.

Damien grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Excuse me!"

I huffed, dangling there.

He took my other heel off for me, setting me down onto the padding of the booth's seat.

"That was unnecessary." I said.

Azriel pushed me into the seat so he could scoot in.

"2 men, 1 woman standing by the womens bathroom. I'm not up to debate our relationship with overprotective people." He said.

I shrugged.

"Talk." Damien got in on the other side.

I sipped my wine.


"Compromises." Azriel looked at me.

"Okay." I thought about it.

"If you want my office moved, I'm fine with that. It's not like I use mine anyways." I began.

They nodded.

"If you, over the next month, help me with packing and getting rid of things in my apartment, I'll sell it." I hummed.

"Can I add something? Just a pitch on behalf of my selfishness?" Azriel smiled.

I nodded.

"Do you want to sleep there until it's sold? Because if I'm helping that's the first thing I'd try to get rid of." He told me.

I frowned.

"Diddo." Damien grumbled, sipping his drink.

"I-if you take me to my house-"

"You have everything you need with us." Damien corrected.

"Right. Well then get rid of it first. But would you be offended if on some nights I slept alone on that bed?" I asked.

"It's there for a reason. I'd rather you sleep alone a few doors down than where you are now." Azriel cleared his throat, undoing some buttons on his shirt.

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