{0} Cherry blossoms 🌸

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Seoul, Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival, late march 2017

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Seoul, Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival, late march 2017

Sofia is walking hand in hand with her boyfriend enjoying the cherry blossoms. She believes that there's nothing more precious than Korea during spring, it has such a poetic ephemeral beauty. To her, those who say that Paris is the city of love, haven't seen Seoul during spring. You can't get anything lovelier than this.

In less than a few weeks, all these colorful blossoms will be gone and replaced with another scenery. This fragility makes Sofia want to immerse in every corner of the landscape and engrave in her mind and soul all the pastel colors, the smell of the flowers, the distant voices, the feeling of the warm breeze tangling her hair, the light reflecting in the Han river and the gorgeous guy whose hand is holding hers.

"Sofi, are you anxious about the meeting that your agency has set you up for? I heard that the Company they are sending you, is gaining a lot of attention in the entertainment industry" Nate, her boyfriend asks.

"No, Not really... I mean, it will be very good for the agency if we can reach an agreement with them. But I think that we'll be on the same page" Sofia answers to Nate who is looking at her with adoration.

He puts his arm around her waist and kisses her head, Nate feels so in love. Sofia smiles and continues "Do you remember my friend Gi-na? Well, her brother also works in that Company and he said that they are in desperate need of interpreters and translators. So I'm positive that we can offer our services..." Sofia goes on rambling but Nate is no longer listening, he is consumed by his own thoughts.

Nate wants to tell Sofia that he can't keep doing long distance anymore, he is thinking about moving to Korea with her. But he is hesitant about Sofia's reaction since they have been together only for a few months.

He looks at her girlfriend and interrupts her with a sudden peck on the lips, Sofia chuckles "smooth way to shut me up" she says with a smile

"Sorry, I couldn't resist. You are too cute when you ramble" Nate says and gives her a soft kiss. "I don't want to say goodbye" he laments as he rests his forehead on hers.

Sofia tenderly holds his face with her hands "We still have 5 more days together. Let's enjoy our time and try not to think about goodbyes... That'll be a problem for future Nate and future Sofia, let them figure it out." They both giggle and continue to walk hand in hand.

Sofia hates goodbyes. She should be used to it by now, because of her dad's work as a diplomat she had lived in a lot of different countries. Maybe that's how her love for languages began.

Sofia and her 4 sisters grew up in a bilingual home. Her mom is from Argentina and her dad is from Italy. So she speaks Spanish with her mom, Italian with her dad, and with her sisters a mix of those two languages with some English here and there.

They were raised as Latinas, even though they were living abroad most of the time. They'll always think of Buenos Aires as their hometown, that's where the majority of their family and friends are. Also, her mom made sure that they would spend 5 months of the year in that city, no matter where in the world they were currently living.

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