Your Sore?

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Denki P.O.V

I woke up the next morning sore all over.

It was probably the roughest sex we ever had. My hair was everywhere as I sat up.

I rubbed my eyes getting up walking to my mirror.

There was red marks and my hips where his hands where, his handprint was on my ass cheek.

I had hickeys, bite marks, love bites, everywhere.

Red mark over my neck where his hand was.

I went to the bathroom connected in my room.

I started the cold water and got in. I washed up and stayed in for a bit longer than got out.

I dried off and got dressed in some light blue and red Ethika's I didn't feel like grabbing a shirt so I threw my black robe on.

I was still so tired from last night. When I exited the bathroom and saw that Kat was still asleep.

I leaned over to him kissing his forehead and grabbed my phone.

I left my room and headed downstairs.

My mom was sitting at the marble island in the kitchen.

Her long blond locks tied up into a bun. She had on her yellow robe.

She was on her phone drinking out if her coffee mug. We had the same phone. iphone 14s.

My lock screen was a picture me and katsuki had taken when we went out once.

Hers was me and my sister whom are twins.

My sisters had 11s.

I sighed walking over and sitting down.

"Good morning my darling Denki," she said ruffling my hair.

"Mh.. morning mom," I mumbled tiredly.

"You lost your voice Denks? What happened?" I felt my face got hot,

"Nothing mom, probably from all the arguing." I said quietly.

She sighed, "You want some hot tea? Anything you want I'll cook it," she said getting up sitting her phone down.

"Tea, and maybe some eggs, bacon, and french toast? Please!" I begged sitting my head up,

She smiled and nodded at me.

Just then katsuki came down the stairs.

His ash blond her was damp as it looked darker. He had on one of my white t-shirt and black sweats.

He walked over to me and sat next to me putting his head on my shoulder.

"Good morning Katsuki, breakfast?" Mom said.

Katsuki opened his eye looking at her, "Yes please." He mumbled.

His eyes that were normally ragging showed nothing but calmness.

I put one of my arm around his neck kissing his forehead.

"Good morning love," I said smiling down at him.

"Good morning," he said sighing.

We both looked back to see Iris and Hasley.

The twins,

Iris had curly blond hair with black mixed everywhere.

And Hasley had curly black hair with blond mixed in everywhere.

Iris was moody and mean a little, while Hasley on the other hand was shy and quiet.

I smiled opening my arms for the embrace they both gave me.

Iris looked up at Katsuki, "Who's he?" She said crossing her arms.

He looked down at her, "who's she?" He said looking at me.

"Katsuki, be nice." I said putting my hand on his cheek.

He blushed a little, "Girls this is my boyfriend Katsuki, Kat these are my sister's, Iris is the snappy one and Hasley is the quiet one."

I said Hasley smiled a little, "Hi," she said quietly.

They talked until mon sent them off so we could eat.

We both ate. After we were done mom left back to her room.

I took a sip of my tea sighing. "What are you drinking tea for?" He said looking at me.

I coughed slightly. "Jeez I don't know maybe because my voice is gone?" I mumbled.

"Don't get cocky now," he said looking at me.

I finished my cup washed it out and rolled my eyes,

"That's what she said." I said taking his hand bringing him back to my room.

I flopped down on my bed turning mg tv on, he laid down next to me.

I yawned turning on teenage mutant ninja turtles, the cartooned one.

"Denki you acted like you didn't like it." He said as I looked back at him just to see that smirk that I loved so much.

I scoffed feeling my face heat up. "Well. Maybe I didn't." I muttered fully facing him. I loved it though, every moment of it.

He got closer grabbing me by my neck and pulling me closer. "That's not what you said last night though?"


"Sh-shit.! Kat t-too much.. fuck!" The electric blond wasn't getting anything but straight back shots.

Moans and groans echoed throughout the room but neither of them cared. The only thing the two boys where thinking about we're keeping the other close.

Denki put his on katsukis abdomen and that seamed to just make Katsuki go harder.

"Move your hand baby.." he groaned Denki couldn't form words right now and his hand didn't move.

"Damnit denks.." he muttered taking both of his hand pulling them behind his back and his free hand move it's way up to Denkis hair.

They had never been in this position ever. Denkis face heated up moaning louder then he already was.

"Kat..fuck shit." He moan starting to push back and meet his thrust with the same rhythm.

" like that? Huh.?" He whispered leaning up to the blonds ear.

Denki just nodded although that was pretty hard for him to do considering Katsuki had a handful of his hair.

Denki looked from the corner of his eye just to see Katsukis red eyes glowing in the dark with that damn smirk on his face.

Katsuki hit his spot head on. Denkis eyes rolled back and his tongue hung out as a slutty moan fell from his lips.

Katsuki was damn shocked he had never heard that come from Denki.

"Fuck me! Shit Kat don't stop!!"  Katsukis face was beat red, but who was he to deny his baby's wishes? And so he carried on harder than ever.

Flashback ended.


Yeah I definitely liked, "O-okay Kat. Fine I loved it." I muttered and he let go of my neck.

"Mhm. That's what I thought."

Fucking cocky bastard. "Whatever weirdo." I mumbled as he pulled me down and kissed all over my face. I laughed and we just played around for the rest of the day.

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