Chapter Eight: In The Middle of a Top-Secret Mission.

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Chapter Eight: "In The Middle of a Top-Secret Mission."

NIKKO COLLAPSED ON THE ground next to me on Monday morning. His sudden movement made me jolt. My water bottle slipped from my hand and almost dove into the ground if I didn't manage to catch it. 

When I met his eyes, they were wide from his dramatics. The running our coaches made us do on the indoor track minutes ago hadn't been that bad. Although with the way Nikko, who shot me a sheepishly strained smile, laid back in exasperation said otherwise. 

The way the rest of my teammates, came over to where Nikko and I had reached first to grab some water also said otherwise. The first few weeks of practice had been brutal enough to get everyone adjusted. My hands formed blisters from the gym sessions each week. Muscles I had rarely used over the past years had a familiar ache whenever I shifted. The aches and groans had suddenly become second nature as my body adapted to everything squash provided. 

I tried evening out my own breaths as I took a seat next to Nikko who was doing the same. His hands were slapped onto his flushed face as he murmured, "We need to have rules."

I glanced over at where our coaches were talking to each other nearby. They were hard on us but not in a way no one couldn't handle. "There are no rules in running."

"There are rules to running when it comes to me and the rest of the team," He stressed, taking his hands off his face. Nikko peered up at me with a fake scowl, "You need to be put in a lab."

"I did as they asked!" I reached over to hand him his own water bottle. Maybe I went a little faster than one would have expected. Maybe

He graciously took the bottle but he didn't let up, "Put in a lab and studied for ridiculous speed and your need to overtake us all. Don't look smug." 

"I'm not smug." However, my attempt to keep my expression neutral was breaking. 

"You're smug," Nikko grumbled but I caught sight of the slight smile as he raised his water bottle, "Rightfully, though." 

Before I could say anything, Rhett approached us. As he passed us to likely get his water bottle, he muttered to me, "Save some speed for the rest of us, eh?" 

I shot him a dirty look that he reciprocated with one of his own before he walked away. His grouchy attitude hadn't changed much over the past few weeks. Nikko, on the other hand, flashed me one of his reassuring smiles, "That's Rhett talk meaning he's impressed."

"So his glare didn't mean he wished I tripped and fell on the track?" I deadpanned.

"I don't think he gives off those kind of vibes," Nikko sat up, his hands behind him, as he loudly whistled. My eyes went wide as everyone nearby swiveled their heads in our direction. Including Rhett who was now talking to Alan, another teammate of ours. "Rhett! Do you think you give off mean energy?"

Rhett made a face, "What kind of question is that?"

Alan took that moment to examine Rhett, looking at him up and down. Before Alan could add to the conversation, Rhett held up a finger, "Don't." 

As he stormed off, Nikko let out a little laugh. The rest of my team members that overheard did the same. So far, everyone was nice but I'd yet to get closer to anyone. I didn't really expect it, to be honest. Squash, while having teams, was more individual than anything. For instance, Liya was currently seated on the ground a good distance away. She was staring off into the distance as she sucked down the water from her bottle, other teammates passing by her to use the bathroom or drink their own water.

When I turned to glance at Nikko who had sprawled himself out next to me, I was surprised to find his eyes on me. "What?"

"You worried about Liya? She's always thinking about what she could have done better."

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