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Name: Hecate

Surname: Michaelson

Gender: Female

Age: 300,023 years


Specie: Heretic Hybrid Vampire-Werewolf

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Specie: Heretic Hybrid Vampire-Werewolf

Story: she was one of the originals but just like her brother Klaus she was a werewolf before turning into a vampire so she's an hybrid, she's always have been, she lived until our days and she's the most powerful vampire of the history, is hard for her to live because she have to change life every five years but she's happy how she's living

Character: She's introvert and reservate but manipulative and bossy. She's psyco and kinda insane but she tend to the sweet possessive girl when she get attached to someone, she's flirty and sometimes slutty but she's very wise and intelligent and she's lunatic.

Mottos: -if I can't have it, then no one can
-think I don't know it huh? Try me
-I'm 300,000 years old Mate!
-My bite kills you... either vampire or human
-Is getting muddy in here
-ooh.. going on a suicide mission?
-I'm 300,000 years old I lived till now, you won't be the one to stop my record/ I intend on living more
-Chill... I'm in a 17's body but I'm still 300,000!

-she knows every language ever been talked or written in this world
-she is obsessed with snakes
-her favorite color is dark green and black
-the white stripes on her hair are natural
-she has a passion for old instruments
-she plays every instruments ever invented
-she's not looking for troubles in anyways
-she knows how to keep a low profile
-her name is the name of the Greek goddes of spell and incantations but she likes to think that Hecate is the goddes of death
-she believes in Greek goddes but she made some personalizments as Hecate goddes of death
-she's a costplayer and she was an actress
-when her pet snake Ades was on his death bed she tried to turn him giving him her blood but it didn't worked
-she was in a bunch of ancient paintings but she compelled the painters to earese her to keep a lower profile during the centuries
-in the 1720 she got the record for the youngest woman writer of history yet again she compelled everyone that knew to forget about it to keep a low profile

Sexual orientation: Asexual Panromantic

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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