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Okay so, I was kind inspired by Infinite_Midnight to do this (if you haven't heard of her or checked her out already, do it now, especially if you ship nalu. She is flipping amazing) I'm going through a lot of stress right now with school and the impending future of my career. This book will manly just feature rants, raves, and random things that come through my head.

I'm in Eighth grade, I have this awesome friend Kaitlyn; man you'd never met a better girl. She's just so innocent, but at the same time badass. She's the voice I turn to in help and frustration and when shit just hits the fan.

Previously, as a seventh grader, I had other friends. Friends who I shared my deepest darkest secrets with, friends that made me question my sexuality...and I no longer consider them friends. I don't know what really happened, wether school just drifted us apart, or if they grew tired of me. I'll never know because I feel it best to not dwell on things that bring me pain.
But you know what, now, I've met this amazing group of girls who, while I was weary at first, have proven to be actual friends. People who I would give the shirt on my back to. They helped me, really helped me.

I can discuss anything with them. I'm a Christian, I believe in Christ and God, but I will never feel prejudice about homosexuality because sometimes I doubt that I'm straight, and besides, gays are the core of the world. Let's get real. There is not a better person than a man or woman who recognizes their love for a person so deeply that they would defy what society seems as right! What's more beautiful!

Second of all, I have terrible body issues. I'm fat, you can't change me mind. I could run twenty miles a day and I'll still see myself as fat. I'm stupid, ignorant, ugly, self-concuss, stubborn, and a bitch. But when I'm around them, I don't feel like that, I feel like myself. I feel like Hunter. I feel like a 14 year old girl who likes fan fiction and anime, and Harry Potter and literature. I'm a girl who loves music and I dream of performing on Broadway. I'm not a catty, selfish, back stabbing bitch who tosses friends to the side like paper. I'm Hunter, fan fiction writer, Inuyasha obsessed, debating and argumentative, friendly, outgoing, (God forbid) smart, 14 year old girl who dreams and worries about reality.

While this has been really random, I'm just trying to say that people will hurt, or love you. Find the right one, on which ever level you please.

I am a rose bud, you are the tree that blankets me in shadow.
They are the gardener.
Watering and nurturing me, giving me there sunlight.
I am no bud,
I am a beautiful, big, flower, that will release the sweetest fragrance for those she loves.

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