Chapter Twenty Four

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It is now four weeks since the accident. Pari's cast from her ankle is removed and the doctors has given her a green card to move and walk but unfortunately it looks like her family still didn't understand that she is fine now.

Whenever Pari makes a move, Veer always stops her and not just him all of the family members even her brothers and father who is staying with the Rathore for the past few weeks don't let her move.

Pari bhacha ahh, said Adhir feeding her.

Bhai I'm fine now I can eat by myself, said Pari opening her mouth for more.

Hmm I can see. But still you need rest.

But that's what I'm doing for the past few weeks.Please na bhai even the doctors has allowed me to move.

You want me to call Veer, said Adhir while smirking.

What no please, said Pari while pouting.

Pari knows that Veer will make her in a completely bed rest and now that she is sitting up, he won't even allow that.

Pari, said Adhir trying to get her attention.

Hmm, said Pari ignoring him.

Pari you know we all care for you bhacha. You're the only reason we live for, said Adhir.

Pari looked at her brother with tears in her arms and hugged him tight.

I know bhai. But please I'm alright now and plus I feel really stressed just laying here and doing nothing.

Adhir took a sharp breath and nodded saying ok let's go but you will rest and not move that much.

Ok, said Pari grinning in happiness.

Adhir helped her up even though she can walk, they won't let her. He picked her up and took her downstairs to sat her on the couch.

Everyone looked at Pari and soon the questions started.

Beta did you want something, you could have told us.

Yes ma.

Pari was not even given a moment to talk and them everyone was silenced by a lion... bade hukum.

If you all give her a moment then she can talk right.


Pari smiled and said its ok.

I was feeling really suffocating there so asked bhai to take me here and please, I'm all fine now.

The doctors has also said that.

But beta you need rest.

And I have for one extra week toh aap sab please muje aur rest na karey.

(*so you all please don't make me rest anymore*)

Acha beta whatever you want.

(*ok beta*)

Pari stood up and walked to bade hukum to hug him.

Everyone was in panic that she might fall down but she walked perfectly fine.

Pari was hugged by her dada sa and looked behind, only to laugh.

See I told you I can walk pretty well, saying this she shook her ankle.

Bade hukum smiled and put his hand on her head to bless her.

What are you doing, a voice that made Pari's eyes wide.

Oh god Hitler is here, said Pari not knowing she didn't say it in her mind but out loud.

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