⋆ ༺Ƹ★ (ꐦ ◣‸◢) ★ Ʒ༻ ⋆Trauma, Chapter one ⋆ ༺Ƹ★ (ꐦ ◣‸◢) ★ Ʒ༻ ⋆

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Tw: beatings, sh, rude language tic attack, panic attack, child services,

Cw: beatings, rude language, flash backs, (asthma mentioned)

Ranboo woke up his day normal as ever, get up from from small as fuck room, clean like he's Cinderella, get abused. But today would be different... "Ranboo!" A voice boomed snapping Ranboo out if his thoughts. Ranboo rushed down the stairs making one involuntary pop on the way down. You see Ranboo has Tourette syndrome (but he doesn't know that and hasn't been diagnosed yet.) but he just automatically assumed he was the only one with these involuntary movements and sounds that would sometimes get him beat. "Yes ma'am how may I be of service?" was the meek reply to booming voice who appeared to be Ranboo's "mother". "You forgot to wash the dishes y-you FAGGOT!" Boomed the voice of his "mother". Young innocent Ranboo came out to his parents at 8 that's when the beatings started.

Ranboo blinked knowing not to argue because it always ended the same way, with him being beaten till unconsciousness. He ran to go do it, washing the dishes was going perfectly fine until he ticed then,

boom! A plate was shattered he knew what the consequences would be. No food for 2 days. He was slapped then told to get back to work Ranboo cleaned up the shattered pieces bleeding in the process. But what he didn't know was that his neighbor had seen the whole thing and called child services. Their was a knock at the door 20 minutes later his "mother" had gone to get the door. Ranboo let a few tics loose he had to suppress these noises around his "parents" leading to them having an attack.

⋆ ༺Ƹ★ (ꐦ ◣‸◢) ★ Ʒ༻ ⋆Skipping cause wattpad didn't save what i wrote🙃 ⋆ ༺Ƹ★ (ꐦ ◣‸◢) ★ Ʒ༻ ⋆

"Are you alright bud?" The kind Creeper hybrid named Sam asked clamly. The only thing he knew Ranboo was diagnosed with was being selectively mute at times with bpd and anxiety.

⋆ ༺Ƹ★ (ꐦ ◣‸◢) ★ Ʒ༻ ⋆ another time skip brought buys yours truly ⋆ ༺Ƹ★ (ꐦ ◣‸◢) ★ Ʒ༻ ⋆

Ranboo had been tossed around the ringer in homes he been to 12 homes in less then a month

He knows that he's in a another foster home he hopes it will be different then the other 12

"Alright Ranboo" Sam said "you know I'm just a call away" he said after whispering a goodbye.

Ranboo signed bye to Sam now not feeling verbal going into this foreign place. "Hello you must be Ranboo!" said a voice as sweet as honey Ranboo assumed this was Phil. Ranboo only knew that this family knew asl and bsl like him. "Hi you must be Philza right?" Ranboo signed "Yep," responded the sweet voice "but you can just call me Phil" he added.

I'll update when I can.

Word count 477

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