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Y/n was in a room, or an enclosure, it was large enough to house something, walls covered in scratch marks. On the ground Y/n noticed bones and trees that were torn down, after more looking around she saw security cameras, and some people looking at the paddock.

What even was this paddock for? Suddenly she saw the people freaking out, one of them rushed off somewhere. Y/n heard something in the distance a roar, it sounded aggressive, Y/n couldn't help but stand still, that roar, it sounded familiar to hers.

As soon as Y/n blinked, she was again surrounded by jungle terrain, but with bodies..... all of them held a uniform and some sort of weapon, she heard a growl, Y/n looked up and she saw her.

A large white dinosaur, it seemed to have the appearance of a T-Rex but the jaws, the arms, and its back all had far more different features, Y/n was somehow sure it was another hybrid.

The hybrid growled, dropping down the half eaten soldier, before she knew it the hybrid had grabbed her and opened her jaws wide before dropping her.


Y/n woke up, she was in the same pearly white room, now she really wanted to be in an enclosure like the one in her dream.

But now, she was with the level 2 researchers, Dr Iceberg and Dr. Simon Glass. Y/n recoiled from the Iceberg's touch, it was cold.

Dr. Kondraki was supposed to test out the compatibility between other indoraptors and see if they would follow the leader, the leader being Y/n.

"Wait, more indoraptors?" Asked Y/n.

"Well yes, in an unknown place, Dr. Wu had free reign to make more Scp-# instances, under supervision of course." Said Dr. Kondraki.


Turned out the other indoraptor's created a sort of system being where there was the stereotypical dominant alpha, controlling the rest of the pack.

But thanks to Dr. Wu's upgrade, Y/n had more longer quills, more powerful legs, and the yellow stripe was now accompanied by two more smaller stripes.

Of course the other indoraptors were wary of Y/n, until the alpha pushed them aside revealing itself, it was wary but they accepted her challenge to take control.

And Y/n easily defeated the ruling alpha and now gained a new small force.

"Alright Scp-#, an Agent will now try to tame the pack, make sure you keep them in line, remember they follow you." Said Dr. Kondraki, the door opened and there was the agent.

The Agent was too wary of the indoraptors, seeing them now interested in the agent and we're probably going to kill him if not for Y/n's snarl.

The Agent took a stance, making sure to keep his eyes on the indoraptors, Y/n approached him, and ultimately letting him be the Alpha of the group.

After that Y/n was now on another field test, her so called 'pack' were equipped with cameras and it was basically an escape room, pulling various levers and pressing buttons will lead them to a maze and the maze is equipped with security cameras with guards and various traps.

Of course there were the kind of traps that had various distractions, meat, live d-class strung up, and of course the very obvious bell.

But Y/n got them all to behave and led them out of the maze, nearly one of them wanted to go and torture the shit out of the D-class who seemed like he was going to piss himself.

But that Indoraptor was known to be a sort of class clown and Y/n nearly had to beat him to behave.

But nevertheless they succeeded, and got out of the maze.


Y/n was again in the Plague doctor's room as she told him about her day and her displeasure with her new 'team'.

"Sounds like you had a good time, besides having to almost discipline that one, is he feeling well?" Asked the Plague doctor as he turned around as he held a bloody scalpel.

"Nope, he's alright." Said Y/n, the plague doctor hummed before going back the animal corpse.

"So, the researchers are starting to think of adding more devices on me because of my 'escape attempts' I sure hope that whatever their planning it's not going to be a pain." Said Y/n, the plague doctor hummed in agreement as he finished up, stitched the open cut he made.

After a bit the animal began to quiver then it started to move around, it became more closer to Y/n, making a sound before putting its head into Y/n's lap, a purring sound was heard.

The plague doctor was observing his new -02, Y/n then decided to move away, but it followed her like a lost puppy, Y/n kept moving, it also kept moving and soon tackling her to the ground, it began to drool and wrapping its limbs around Y/n's chest.

"Uhh.... Doc, is it supposed to do that?" Asked Y/n.

"Different results happen when I experiment my cure, it's still a work in progress." Said Scp-049 as he wrote in a think leather journal as the creature was wobbly continuously moving around and making sure Y/n wasn't moving around.

Y/n was not moving, but after a bit and feeling the weird sensation, she quickly threw it up in the air and kicked it.

The Plague doctor only paused to look at the destroyed -02 before quickly scribbling something down before quickly closing it.

"I can't wait until another day, I sure hope that tomorrow's mission isn't a pain in the ass." Yawned Y/n before leaving the plague doctor as he was inspecting the destroyed instance.

"Another Failed attempt..... Maybe giving it a more indestructible skeleton will help..."

[DISCONTINUED] Nothing's Grey (YAN! Scp x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now