Anyway- RULES

19 1 0

Fresh ink 👁👄👁 😻


RULE 1 - Do not Discriminate Against Others, Period

Discrimination of others based on their person (Race, Gender, S.Orientation, Ideology, Interests) will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

RULE 2 - Keep Roleplays PG-13, unless you make it clear to me you are going to do smut. 

Avoid serious real-world topics, politics, or adult topics whenever possible. This includes consumption/portrayal of narcotics or inebriating substances, they are strictly forbidden. BUT if you make it clear you are going to do these things, do it later in the roleplay, not immedietly. 

RULE 3 - Do not be Gross & Do not 'Consume' Others

The acts or eating/drinking/consuming other players, defecating and/or urinating, vomiting, or generally unpleasant stuff is forbidden. Do not act to, imply to, or request to be affected in unsavory manners.

RULE 4 - Do not Barge into Roleplays

If you wish to get involved within a roleplay, don't just barge in like it's yours. Politely ask to be included. If they refuse, seek a different group of players or start your own roleplay.

RULE 5 - Do not Spam

Spamming is intentionally disruptive and attention seeking and won't be tolerated in this roleplay book. use the chat feature normally, not as a tool of venting frustration, otherwise everyone will look down on you

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