-It's A Start-

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Weeks ago, Needle told Firey 'It's been 2 years Firey, our life has already turned to... whatever this is, I think it's time for you to stop holding a grudge. Go talk to Leafy. It's for the best.'

The amount of progress Firey has made is close to zero. Sure, Firey told Needle he tried to talk with her, but in reality, he didn't want to talk to her at all. He was procrastinating on purpose, how could he not? The thought of actually trying to make amends with that stealer made him sick.

She took from him. She took something very important from him.

Or... something. Firey didn't remember exactly the reason why he distanced himself from Leafy, the lines had become blurry in the years. Did it really matter why anyways?

Why am I thinking about this? Especially right now. Walking to the theme park. As much as he wanted to forget her and not talk to the leaf, he kept thinking about her. Like something inside him was yelling at him to give her a chance.

He lied to Needle though, and she expected him to do something about their relationship. It doesn't matter. She needs to fix her friendships before she bosses me around to fix mine.

He let out a huff while walking towards the theme park - which had now been given the name King's World - each step dragged on the floor.

He approached the entrance booth. Remote sat inside with a hand pressed on her cheek, lighting up with a fake smile as Firey approached.

"Visiting again?" She muttered.

"Yep." Firey placed down $35, sliding the money through the small hole in the booth. As much as he hated him, a perk about working for Loser is getting a discount for this place. If he knew that before he would've been rushing to this place as soon as the opening started.

Remote picked the money before picking and sliding a wad of tickets towards him as the flame picked it up. He waved bye before going off into the park.

It was honestly one of the best parts of this place. The area wasn't bustling with others and the atmosphere was far from what a normal theme park would have but it was still a treasure. Lines were short, rides were fun, food was good. The best thing that ever happened to this horrible place. The best idea for that cynical idiot to have.

The good part of coming here today in particular was that it was a Monday, one of Firey's break days. A day that mostly everyone was working, so he practically had the whole place to himself.

A mindless tune escaped his mouth as he hummed softly. The closest ride to him was the Ferris wheel so it was the first ride he decided to go on. He climbed up the line to ride. He slid one ticket into a slot, it took a few seconds to stop, before the gate opened for him to get on. He heard faint steps behind him, but it wasn't much to think of, another face on the ride didn't bother him.

The rides gave you a certain amount of time to rush on since everything was automatic. He had around 50 seconds to settle in a seat and get himself situated. He swiftly sat in the light brown cart, sliding down as someone else sat near him, he didn't bother to look. He pulled the handlebar down, before looking off to the side. A sigh of contentment escaped his mouth as a small smile curved on his face.

"Um.. Hey?"

The ride picked up and started moving, but it all seemed to stop there. That.. voice. A voice he'd been avoiding for a long time. The speed of his heart seemed to pick up. Nervousness started to bubble up as he gulped.

Please... PLEASE... don't be who I think that is.

His eyes darted to the side to stare at the person who was stuck in there with him, Leafy.

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