"O dear god this is weird"
Ohio was sitting on Roons bed as Roon ran off to god knows were.
Ohio: were the hell is she
He then head loud foot steps but he heard two sets instead of one
Ohio: what the hell is happening out there
The door was kicked open and Roon draged in a scwirming Deutchland.
Deutchland: what the hell Roon, what are you doing
Roon: I Just wanted to talk privatly
Ohio: um
The two looked over at him as he sat there very confused as they looked back.
Deutchland: what the hell is he doing here
Roon: oh~, I forgot he was here
Ohio: wow, just wow Roon
Roon: well time to have fun on the town
Ohio, Deutchland: what!?!?!
Roon, Deutchland, and Ohio were actuly have fun as they mainly bar hoped for most of the day.
Ohio*hic* t-that was fun
Deutchland: y-yea*hic*
Roon: hehe
The three soon made it back to Roons room and Ohio and Deutchland colapsed on to the bed.
Ohio: sleep sleep time
Deutchland: yea
Roon giggled at the two, moving closer to the two.
Roon: actuly I had a different idea
Ohio: o-oh no