The big blue sea

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I know most pirate themed stories end up being love stories, or someone that sneaks onto a ship, or hell even a villain pirate in the story. But I think this one has a little bit of all of those.  This story starts off on an island with a small town and a castle for the royal family of the island. And on this island these two boys Tommy and Tubbo who actually dreamed to travel the seas. They would train with Tubbo's older cousin Clay, but everyone else knew him as...Dream.

One day though a ship arrived at the docs. The same ship that would come every now and then and go. Tommy always thought that they were probably either running errands for the King and Queen, or they were just going around in circles and always ended up on the island. "I say we should sneak on and see what they actually do on their shitty adventure." Tommy said while hiding some barrels on the docs with Tubbo. "Are you sure about this Tommy?" Tubbo said kinda nervous, not because he's scared of the pirates, it was because he's never actually been on a ship before because his aunt never thought it was safe enough for him. "Of course I am not worried, pussy boy this will be fun." As Tommy said that he started to smile. He was about to get on a pirate ship, an actual pirate ship.

Tommy pulls Tubbo along while he runs on to the ship while it seemed like no one else was there. There was one person on there that was supposed to be watching the ship but was sleeping in his chair.  They found some craps that were on the ship to hide behind, so they did so. "You would think they idiot would be awake while on the ship alone right?" Tommy said, asking with a rather mocking tone. "I know right! Like what kind of pirate falls asleep on the job." Tubbo said, laughing at the person or well pirate that was asleep. "Maybe one that knows that people are sneaking onto his ship." A man's voice from behind them comes out of nowhere. And then suddenly another voice, which sounded like it came from over where the guys that were sleeping, yelled out, "Get them boys!". As the guy said that two men proceeded to grab Tommy and Tubbo and almost pulled them off the ship until.

"Wait! We just wanted to see what you guys wanted!" Tommy yelled out terrified for his life and hoped these guys would hear them out. An old man comes up to them, and the man looks like he would be the captain of the ship. The man stands there quietly for a second and just staring at Tommy. "Dad, what do you want us to do with them?" One of the pirates holding the boys asked. The old man was still just staring at Tommy before saying this. "Let them go. I want to hear what this one has to say for himself." After the man said that Tommy could not be more relieved. The two pirates let Tubbo and Tommy go and Tubbo Immediately hugs Tommy and then proceeds to hide behind him. "So boy, what business do you and your friend have on my ship?" the old man asks and Tommy recognizes the old man from a book that he had read on pirates. "Y-you're Caption Philza aren't you?! They say you're the greatest pirate that's ever lived!!" Tommy screams in a bit of an excitement.

The old man sighed "are you telling me that's why you're on my ship boy?"  Philza asked. "N-no of course not but hey! you didn't answer my question!" Tommy said that in a bit of a demanding tone. "He doesn't have to answer you!" One of the pirates said to Tommy after what he said. "Calm down, Fundy." The old man stayed quiet for a bit before answering Tommy's question. "Yes, I am Philz, and I guess I was the greatest pirate that ever sailed. Until the day I-" He was interrupted. "You were not! My aunt Puffy was! How dare you even say you were!" Tubbo said, sounding angry as hell.

"Puffy?" Philza asked. "You mean Caption Puffy, yes I know her very well." Phil said with a little bit of joy in his voice.  "R-really? You know her?" Tubbo asked, kinda confused, but at the same time he wouldn't be so surprised that he knew her. Puffy always did say she met some friends on the way of almost all of her journeys. "Yes she was a good friend of mine, and an amazing pirate. Honestly she once took on 5 sharks at once in a matter of minutes." Phil said, smiling after. Tubbo starts to tear up after what Phil said, and then would wipe his face. "Tubbo are you alright?" Tommy asked, kind of concerned. He doesn't this his ever seen Tubbo cry before, or even tear up from anything other than him yawning. "Y-yea I'm fine really." Tubbo said, kinda stuttering a bit. "I'm just overreacting a bit. Thanks all." Tubbo said, smiling after words.

One of the pirates behind Tommy and Tubbo now asked "Dad do we keep them on the ship or do we get them off?". "Dad? Wait Your Wilbur Soot aren't you HAHA" Tommy said as he started to laugh. Wilbur looked at Tommy a bit confused. He knew he wasn't the best pirate like his father and brother but he felt like he was just as good. "You slay like 3 sea monsters and call yourself a pirate! HA! I can slay way more than that!". Tommy said confidently as Wilbur just started laughing. Tommy looks at Wilbur looking mad as hell. "What are you laughing at, you jerk!" said Tommy, sounding quite mad. "You think you can slay more than me! Maybe in a few years but you're just a kid man." Wilbur said in a bit of a mocking tone. "Wil, that's not true. I did a lot when I was...wait how old are you kids?"  Phil asked kind of forgetting he didn't even know Tommy's age.

" I'm 17 sir!-Tommy said and was interrupted by Tubbo. "He just turned 17 actually sir." Tubbo giggled after saying that. Tommy looked at Tubbo with a disapproving look. Tubbo just checks giggling. Phil laughed a bit too before saying "I did do a lot during that age heh. But back to business now." Phil pulls out his sword and points it at Tommy. "What business do you have on my ship boy?." Phil asks with a rather intimidating tone and matter. "I-I-" Tommy starts to stutter in his words not really knowing what to say. At first he and Tubbo just wanted to see what these pirates were doing in town, but now Tommy started to have different plans.

Tommy took a deep breath before saying his next words. He was thinking very carefully on his next words, which he never really did that often. Tommy looks Phil straight in the eye and says. "I want to be a pirate on your ship Caption! And so does Tubbo!"  Tubbo looked at Tommy confused for a second before thinking about it. He did want to know what it was like out there. His aunt Puffy has talked so much about it in the past. He had to know what was out there. So Tubbo smiled and nodded after thinking about it for seconds.

Phil looked at Tommy a little shocked. He had a feeling Tommy was going to say something crazy, but he never thought he was going to say that. Phil thought about it carefully both responding. On one hand he needed the help, the only people that he still had working on the ship was Wilbur and Fundy, but on the other hand these boys are just kids. "Before you say no, me and my buddy here are willing to help out in whatever needs to be done on this ship!" Tommy said. "Y-Yea! And we can leave notes for our families and just visit them when y'all come here!" Tubbo said excitedly. Phil thought about it for a second before responding to the boys. "Ok but you will have to be trained before you can actually do things. And you have to help out with cleaning the boat." Phil said. Tommy and Tubbo both smile as Phil's words come out of his mouth. Tubbo screamed in excitement before saying "I'll go tell my family!". As he said that he ran off the ship into the town while Tommy stayed on the ship. The two pirates, Fundy and Wilbur, looked at Tommy a bit confused. Didn't have a family to go to right now they thought to themselves "Don't you have a Family to tell you that you're leaving?" Said Fundy.

"No, I'm an orphan." Tommy said with a smile like he didn't just tell people that he was an orphan. Wilbur felt a little bad for him, because he knew what it was like to not know who your parents are, or in his case his mom. Fundy on the other hand just looked at Tommy confused, Why would he smile at something like that? It's not good to be an orphan. He thought to himself being an orphan himself and all. Tubbo runs back on the ship with his bags and some of Tommy stuff too. "Here you should've at least come to get your stuff you know." Tubbo said, and was kind of upset that he had to get all their stuff by himself. "Well someone had to make sure they weren't gonna leave without us, I know how some people are." said Tommy. Phil laughed a bit while he said that. "Alright boys! Wil get ready to steer the ship! Fundy brings up the anchor! And you two just sit tight. I'll give you your orders when we're at sea." 

The boys couldn't help but smile as he said that. They were about to see what Pirates do. Hell they were about to be actual pirates. "Aye Aye Captain!" Wilbur and Fundy said before going to do what Philza told them to do. "O-oh AYE AYE CAP!!" Said Tommy. Tubbo looked shocked. He was a little off guard. "AYE AYE CAPTAIN PHILZA SIR!!". As he said that he put his hand up on his forehead like a soldier would. Phil laughs as they do what they did as he runs off and lets down the sail. As the sail off Tommy looks back at the island. Tubbo stands next to him as he looks back at the island. "I can't believe  we're leaving our lives behind."  Tubbo said kind of trying not to tear up now. "Oh Tubs, we're not leaving our lives behind." Tommy said as he put his arm around Tubbo. "We're just starting our new one."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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