This is just a book of different au design that I did for stories I thought about but didn't get around to doing it. Some of them I might do in the future when I get more inspection for the au.
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Tommy and Willow were abandoned after their mother Kristin had went into a deep coma after giving birth to them. So Philza had payed for a sitter until they turned 6 years old.
The sitter cared less and less as the years went by with Philza not caring on what happened to his kids. So on year 4 they started to take all the money sent for the twins and used it on themselves.
So when they left when the twins were 6 they took whatever they could fit in their truck. Willow and Tommy had survived by chance. The two did everything for themselves.
Sending themselves to school, buy food, and how to make sure the money is enough for the month. They don't even know who is sending them money is their father.
Willow and Tommy don't really understand what a family is as they don't know how to care for each other. The two just don't want to be alone in the house.
However, when they reach high school they got their hands on drugs and some cheap alcohol. When the two got hooked they dropped out. Phil didn't know as he never gave the school his number and never checked up on them.
Technoblade and Wilbur were the ones to send the twins money that Philza gave them. None of them saw the twins after they left them with the sitter.
Now the twins are 16 when their mother wakes up from her coma. All of them family was happy, that is until she asked what happened to her babies. Hearing that they were fine she wanted to see them.
Only to learn they had pushed her babies away. No pictures, stories, or being able to talk with her babies. None of them could answer the question she had on the life she brought into the world.
Kristin just got to hear how they abandoned her babies like it was their fault she went into a coma. Even when it wasn't their fault, her brain went into shock after a hospital mishap.
Now Philza and his sons go to pick up the youngest members of the family. Yet they just found two drunk teens who have no life in their eyes.
Tommy and Willow gave up on life for drugs. Doing odd jobs to just get enough money. Even help hand out ads for illegal plastic surgery too young girls.
Their child innocent has died long ago as they can't bring themselves to care. So when strangers claim to be family they don't really care.
(Also had no what to call this, so the title isn't the best. Might change it later.)