X. depollute me, gentle angel

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Yosano ended up spending the next few days at Kouyou's apartment while she was nursed back to health.

Dazai gave the girls a week's leave, telling them to come back whenever they saw fit because he had plenty of other competent workers that would gladly fill in for the two.

They were touched by the act and took much advantage of the time off. Kouyou forced Yosano to stay in bed for the majority of it, making her meals and giving her medicine to cool the fever that was ravaging her body.

There were a few days when Yosnao could tell that Kouyou was extremely worried about whether the fever was ever going to break, and wondering if she was going to have to bring her to the hospital, but, in Yosnao's words, her wonderous soup was what kept her alive.

Later, when Kouyou learned of the disgusting stab wound that had marred the girl's stomach which had never quite healed due to infection and malnutrition, she was positively livid. Scolding her about treating her body better and showering her with kisses.

Yosano just grinned at her and told her that it didn't hurt anymore, not now that she was with her.

Kouyou called sappy bullshit and immediately went to the bathroom to grab disinfectant.


Weeks had passed now. Yosano was living with Kouyou (after having learned of her condition she practically had no choice but to move in) and they were officially girlfriends.

Dazai was overly ecstatic when he learned the news, buying them roses and chocolates to congratulate them on their massive u-turn, and Ranpo smirked and told them that he knew already.

Everything was going so well that it didn't feel real.

"Are you ready to go, love?" Yosano heard her girlfriend call from across the room.

She pulled on her heels quickly and tripped her way over, giving Kouyou a quick peck on the lips and grinning up at her.

"I was born ready."

Kouyou gave her a pat on the head. "Little dramatic, but okay," she grabbed Yosano's hand, "Let's get going; wouldn't wanna be late."

"Of course not," Yosano beamed, "we are esteemed people."

The redhead rolled her eyes and closed the apartment door behind her.

gentle angel • kousanoWhere stories live. Discover now