Chapter six

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I followed Pan deeper in the forest. Leaves and bushes were scratching on my naked arms but I didn't care.

Nothing really affected me in that moment. All my thoughts were focused on this one scene, repeating it over and over again. She didn't care. They didn't care. It was all about Henry. None of them ever tried to get me back.

"You okay?" I heard someone ask and turned to face the person. It was Felix who, surprisingly, seemed actually interested. I gulped and forced myself to nod.

"Yeah- I'm fine." I replied and turned away to avoid seeing his worried look. It was just a trap. All just a trap. I knew he actually couldn't care less about me and I wasn't mad about it. After all, we barely knew each other and it should stay that way.
Felix kept walking beside me and I even with my head turned away I felt his worried gaze on me.

"You don't look fine to me." He stated after a while, making me glance at him in confusion. I just didn't understand why he had to keep this conversation going.

"It doesn't matter now, does it?" I muttered. Felix tilted his head slightly to the side, his eyes mustering me with a certain curiosity.

"You still think we're the bad guys, don't you?" He asked. The answer in my head was so simple that I caught myself actually thinking about it for a moment. When I noticed my behavior I immediately shook my head in disbelief.

"Well, yeah. I mean, you guys kidnapped my brother." I answered.

"To save magic."

"You can't just go on and sacrifice someone for something he has nothing to do with." I argued, finally looking at him. Suddenly someone appeared right in front of me, making me crush into that person. With a shocked scream I jumped back and glared at the boy who gave me a cold look. Pan.

"The problem is that he has a lot to do with this. Unfortunately, he is the owner of a very special heart." Pan explained. I raised an eyebrow, glaring at him in confusion.

"What special heart?"

"The heart of the truest believer, love." He replied and made a step towards me. His tall body frame felt like a wall building up in front of me. I knew I felt weak next to him. I knew he scared me, towering over me like that. But I was to scared to admit it. Instead I leaned forward even more, intensifying me glare.

"Well, it's his heart not yours. And I won't allow you to hurt him." I hissed. A huge grin appeared on Pan's face.

"Love," He chuckled, "I think you forgot the most obvious fact."


All of sudden he grabbed my arm with a strong grip and pulled me forward, letting me crush against his chest. My cheeks flushed pink and I quickly turned my face away, overwhelmed by my own emotions.

"Now, tell me." Pan whispered as he tilted his head forward.

"Do you really think you'd be able to protect him if I'd hurt him?" I felt the blood froze in my veins. He was right. I couldn't protect Henry with my body so reactive for Pan's touch. I should've never allowed myself to get so addicted to it.

"Fuck off!" I hissed, not daring to meet his eyes. He groaned annoyed and gently placed a hand on my cheek, pulling my head back to meet his eyes.

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