Flynn x Nb reader

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A/n nb means non-binary because there is no specific gender🧑‍🦲

(Y/N pov)

I have taken Mr. whites chemistry class before therefore I knew he had a son named Walter Jr also know as Flynn 

Pirates on a boat

I had only talked to Flynn a few times since I didn't have much classes with him, however the few times we did talk was amazing. Flynn was really nice and in my opinion he was cute.

I think I had really developed feelings for him which I don't know if it was good considering the fact that I had only talked to him a few times

In math (meth😼) class 

I had this class with Walter Jr, and to be honest I was really excited. Unfortunately it's, math class however we got in to teams I and I decided to be with Walt Jr since no one else seemed to notice him. therefore I asked if he wanted to be teammates, he gladly agreed. 

"h- hey thanks f-for asking to be t-teammates with me"

"Yeah no problem dude it's honestly a pleasure to be partners with you"

Flynn smiled and I returned the the smile feeling my face heat up because of him,
We did some work afterwards because that was the assignment the rest of the class was boring but with Flynn things were just a little bit better 

time skip cuz I'm tired 

Flynn had gave me his phone number and I gave him my phone number, however I didn't call straight away since I didn't want to be much of a bother to him also because I had barely arrived home. I was doing homework but got distracted and said id finish it later. I had gone down stairs so have a snack or something to eat because I was hungry once i did i heard my phone start to ring 

it was from an unknow contact but I decided to answer just in case it was Flynn. Once i answered the voice was from a woman

"hello who are you and why does my son have your number" replied the woman in a questioning tone . I remember Walter Jr telling me about his mom Skylar so I think I might have been her 

"if your son is Walter Jr, he has my number because we were partners for a math assignment and he decided to keep in touch " I replied 

"well then, I'm glad my son decided to make some new friends, if you'd like you could some over one day  or come for lunch"

I was a bit flustered considering she wanted me to come over one day "I would love to come over one day mam" I replied in a happy tone 

soon after she had ended the call since she had something to do, i was glad i got to meet Flynn's mom .

I was texting Flynn and it was a delightful conversation about how we felt  and things we liked or hated. I went to sleep with Flynn on my mind (because im a homo/hj) 

next day RAAAh AMERICA 

I unfortunately had to wake up early because of school however at least I would get to see Flynn. I had just eaten breakfast which my mom had prepared, I entered the car so that I could go to school upon arrival I saw Flynn. I left the car making sure to lock it and I went to Flynn

"Hey Flynn how are you today " I asked

"P-pretty g-good and y-you" he replied with a smile on his face

We walked to class together thankfully having similar schedules we had Spanish  first period which kinda sucks but at least some of my friends and Flynn are in the same class. Since we had some time before class actually started I was able to finish up some of my previous homework. After completing it I felt eye's on me so I look towards Flynn's direction and he was looking at I looked back and smiled and he smiled back. For today's assignment we had to watch a movie and then do research about it or something so we got to sit with some of the people we wanted to. I decided to sit with Flynn and he agreed.

We movie was a documentary so I was bored but had to pay attention.  Flynn and I were whispering things to each other because we were bored. He had mentioned me going over to his house for dinner and I said I could go if I was allowed to

"This is pretty boring if you ask me" I replied

"I-it w-would be i-if you weren't h-here" he replied

I quickly face him when I my felt my heat up because of the sudden compliment (idek if thats a compliment) I smiled knowing he enjoyed my company 

School ends because I say so 😾

I offered Flynn to drive him home

Flynn's pov

Y/n offered me a drive home I agreed. If I'm going to be honest i had developed feelings for them the way they smiled, their laugh, their eyes, their face and many more. I value my time with them i hope when i day ill be able to be with them. the car ride was filled with comfortable silence. we finally arrived at my house. I opened the door with Y/n behind me waving goodbye when my mom suddenly showed up

"hey your walter jr friend right" my mom asked Y/n as i stood besides her 

"oh, yeah I am you must be his mom" they replied

"why don't you stay over for dinner, we would be welcomed to have you, if you dont mind" 

"i would love to" they smiled towards me. i smiled back was a small red tint to my face.

your pov

 I was invited to have dinner with Flynn i was so excited to be with him and his family. we ate and talked about things we enjoy and school it was delightful to say the least. through out the time in dinner i noticed that Flynn was staring at me with a smile, I always wondered what he thought about me since i liked him a lot . I hoped to confess my feelings towards him today.

after diner 

i finally decided to tell him everything.

"hey Flynn can i tell you something" i told him 

"y-yeah s-sure" he replied 

" you know ever since I talked to you or just hanged out with you, you somehow always to manage to make me smile, and well in all honestly i really like you and it cool if you dont feel the same way-" i was cut off by flynn kissing me. i kissed him back with pleasure knowing he felt the same at least I think.

after a few minutes we both pulled apart, I looked at him sweetly just like him.

"h-hey I think y-your-e pretty c-cool and w-would l-love to be w-with you" he looked back at me sweetly 

as we shared one last kiss.

the end 

yippee this is finally done 

homosexuals be crazy fr 

I'm a homosexual 😀

 i had to do a presentation on my career and chose criminal defense lawyer because of Saul Goodman and after i presented the teacher chose someone else and he chose the same career as me an he also had Saul Goodman in his presentation

very rad 

Walter "Flynn" White Jr. x Reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now