1. sanddoll

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Layla yawned waking up after FINALLY finishing a paper. the last of this semester. "my archons!" she hollered in excitement knowing that she can go apply for vacation. she felt heavy and exhausted but still thrilled. she threw on her sweat pants and an oversized zip up and marched her way up to her professor with her thesis and her vacation application  ready. the man's back was turned to her when he called out to her. she could see his dark brown hair from where she stood, but before she had the chance to say anything, he turned to face her with a smile. "good morning Layla! you're here early today." he greeted. Layla nodded as she walked up to him "yeah, I wanted to submit my assignment today." she said smiling. the professor looked down at his student file. "oh yes, Layla I have your paper right here. just let me take it over to my desk" he grabbed the file "ah Layla! I'll be glad to take it from here, since you finished your assignment late tonight." Layla smiled "okay! thanks." she replied walking off. Layla knew the routine by now, so the professor didn't bother to call her name, which he always did. "have a nice summer, Layla!" "thank you professor!" she smiled. she got back to her dorm and took a long nap comfortable with the thought of not having to worry about any papers or at least she thought. after her nap she started packing to head off to Aaru Village. she tied her long blue hair into buns and headed out the dorm. she payed a nice man some money to pay for a ride to Aaru by sumpter beast it didn't take as long as she thought. when she got there she was able to have a small home to herself for the remainder of her trip, after dropping off her things she decided to take a stroll around the desert, it being night very cold indeed so she put her sweater back on. now she was wearing a flowy skirt due to the hot day weather. her being clumsy slid down a dune into a hilichurl camp; she was unarmed and scared, she usually would carry her sword but this time it didn't come to mind, her head was spinning thinking she was going to die then she appeared; a tall dark and lovely woman with blue hair and two different colored eyes, one golden, one blue. the woman shielded Layla and started striking the hilichurls with her polearm until they died. "w-w-woah thank you so much!!" Layla cried out still on the floor "huh? oh hm. don't even worry about it darling. I'm Candace the guardian of Aaru and it is my duty to protect any that may be hurt. and you are?" "uh oh uh..L-layla! I'm a Rtawahist at the Sumeru Akedemiya! I-im visiting Aaru on my vacation!" she nervously choked out Infront of the beautiful warrior. "hm I see" the woman hummed "I see you have a vision? what weapon do you weild and why don't you have it? don't you know it's dangerous, Layla." Candace smiled at Layla who was totally crushing hard at the beautiful tall woman before her. Layla struggled to talk "I use a sword!" she finally choked out.  the warrior raised her eyebrow curiously. "well if you need help in defending yourself, I'll be happy to lend a hand." she offered holding out her hand. Layla accepted the offer and was lifted up.  she couldn't get over how cool and strong the women hand was and how pretty her eyes were too. the pair continued walking around and talking while Layla explained her vision and how she got it and why she was traveling to Aaru."so Candace, what's your favorite color?" Layla asked looking into her crystal blue eye "hmmm" she pondered "blue." Candace replied with a soft smile. Layla giggled "how cute! I mean they're so blue" Layla rambled on. Candace blushed lightly and giggled " well you're quite cute yourself my dear." Layla stopped "I am?" Layla asked looking into the woman's crystal blue eyes "yes of course." Layla began to blush as well and fidget slightly.  The two continued strolling through the desert. after a little bit more than half of their journey, Candace finally pulled Layla close to her and kissed her on the lips; Layla instantly melted into her arms. Layla wrapped her hands gently around Candace's hips while Candace placed her left hand on the back of her neck.  the two parted and Layla stared into Candace's deep eyes. Layla leaned forward and kissed her once again, but this time Candace took the lead. Layla moaned softly as she opened her mouth slightly and Candace tasted her tongue. Layla began moving her mouth slowly against Candace' lips. They continued making out for a few minutes. Layla pulled away and gazed deeply into Candace's eyes as she gasped for breath. "you are... sooo...beautiful." Layla murmured. Candace gave her a sweet smile and caressed the girl's cheek, "thank you Layla". She cupped her cheek and gave her another kiss, this time deeper, longer, harder. Layla whimpered as she ran her fingers through Candace's hair. Layla pushed the taller woman down onto the sand so they were laying face to face.  Layla moved closer and trailed kisses along the woman's jaw line to her ear. "you really think you're in control hm?" Candace smirked and pinned the smaller woman to the  ground. Layla squirmed under Candace's weight but she wasn't trying to escape. "you know, Layla you have a beautiful body too. I bet I could make you scream real loud." she whispered in the girl's ear and nipped the lobe. Layla shivered and closed her eyes tightly, biting her bottom lip. "you are a very tempting temptation, Layla.  you should have told me that you were coming to visit sooner." Candace continued as she pulled Layla's skirt up. Layla's breathing quickened as Candace continued. "but we've never met before now and...and..can we please go to your place?" Layla whimpered then got picked up bridal style by the tall woman "no problem moonshine." Layla's eyes widened at the nickname and the woman carried her to her apartment. When they arrived Candace gently laid Layla down on her bed and unzipped her dress, tossing her bra aside. Layla looked up at the warrior and blushed as she noticed Candace staring at her breasts. "are you ok Layla?" she asked. Layla nodded and looked down embarrassed.  she quickly changed into her pajamas being a pale blue slipdress and joined Candace on the bed, who wrapped her arm around the younger girl. Layla curled against Candace and closed her eyes. "Layla, I want you to open your heart to me. tell me everything Layla." Candace smiled adjusting her own straps of her silk cami. "I hate my life. my work is so tiring. today I slept a full 8 hours that's the longest in years. all I can ever think of is the stars and how hard they are to study but I love them so much..you're the moon..it's beautiful.."  Layla mumbled out as her eyes fluttered shut and her breathing slowed to normal, Candace held her close as she drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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