An Accident

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As you were thinking suddenly out of the blue
As Your killing Aura release
A lot of murderous attent
You knew this was you but not you  do get it? lol.
I swear Y/N smells delicious day by day I wonder if I can get a little bit of blood...
Nones pov.
Haha Haha...
A maniac Laughter can be heard
As ame was like
Dont ruin your taste.
With red eyes
Y/N but evil and hot pov.
You say so lovingly
Why do you only think of eating me..:(
You say as your emotion is being covered in
Holy,shit He know's.....
But it makes my job more easier as I thought while smiling insanely
Let's Speed this shall we
America wasted no time trying to dodge the Attack
But it hit him
To his avail
It only turned him into a Smoll Fluff ball...

As America was Wondering
Why Dear Y/N
Turned him into a cat realisation struck him
When he first meet y/n
Y/N always wanted a cat
If he found one he would aggressively pet it like he wint see it
America was now waiting for his death as Y/N will never let go off a Cat for 5 hours since their so fluffy
And would sleep with cat's
If your wodering how he knows
Uhh America may Or not spy on you...
Even when you're sleeping and bathing...🗿🍷
Hi now you got Ame fall in despair what do you think Y/N should do to him
Comment down Below :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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