Meeting His Family.

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it must have been around 9am i had woken up, and of course the first thing i do is have a drag on my vape. it's always the first thing i think of in a morning before anything else. also it's like my little inhalor. i need it on a daily basis otherwise i feel like i'm about to die. (as you can tell, im very addicted). once i was relaxed after that, i shot up remembering what was happening today. i was meeting his whole family! his mam, dad and brother again, and also his sisters, neices, nana, his real dad (him and his brother were adopted by the age of around 5 years old), and his cousin. i was shitting it. he had such a big family. i was used to it though because my family is very big, but when it's someone else's family it's different in my opinion because i've never met them but obviously i have met my own family before.

i leaped out of bed and straight to my bedrooom floor in front of my mirror, where all of my makeup was laid out, and rushed as much as i could to make my face look as nice and as beautiful as possible because i couldn't let his family think that i don't take care of myself or that he is dating an ugly lass. no no no. not on my watch. surprisingly, it only took me about 30 minutes to complete my makeup. i wasn't as good as makeup back then as i am now so it wasn't the best but oh well, thhey still all said i was pretty so it's fine.

i got my mam to drop me off at his house because all of his family lived in or around hull area so there was no point in his parents (his adoptive parents) to drive all the way to my village to then drive all the way back. it just seemed more sensible to drive to then, besides it caused less hassle for his parents since the lads had to look after their neices, and attempting to get them in the car is a nightmare you never want to have. they cream and cry like fuckk so i didn't want to put them through that again. so anyway, when i got there, we chilled in his room for around 30 - 40 minutes before getting everyone in the van, since there were too many of us to travel in the car, and we drove to his families house.

we first travelled to his dad's house, as he owed Thomas' adoptive father some money (only £15 but money is money) but he wasn't in. so we went to his girlfriends house in the estate, and of course he was there. he  gave Shane (the adoptive dad) the money he owed him and drove to Thomas' nana's house. they told me to say to his nana that she looked like her sister because apparently she usually kicks off about it, but when i said it, she kicked off but she was joking about it, aas Thomas had told her that i was his girlfriend before i said it to her. she was such a sweet and kind old lady bless her. she then gave Thomas some crisps. SKIPS! my favourite crips in the whole entire universe. i love the way that they melt on your tongue, and the sensation about the way they crunch. so obviously i did the thing that all girllfriends do, i robbed his food. he attempted to get them back but failed, misserably. then his relatives started laughing at the fact that he couldn't gget hiis food back off a girl no matter how hard he tried, andd honestly, it was quite funny watching him struggle. after we hung out in her back garden with his cousins and brother for a bit, we all played football in the front garden instead, as there was more room at the front of her house than the back. whilst me, Thomas, Brndon and Katie (his adoptive sister) were having a match, their nana came out and gave us a tenner to spend on drinks at the shop, which was only around the corner. so we all raced each other there, and of course i won by default. you should always know this little trick, if you want to win a race, make everyone else loose, no matter what you have to do to win. anyway, because i got their first, i got to be the first one to pick what i wanted, then i made Thomas pay for me since i hate talking to strangers because of my social anxiety.

once we had said thank you and goodbbye to their nana and cousins, we then drove to his other sister's house, the one with the nieces, as we had to drop them both off. their sister had the most adorable dogs ever, except from Thomas' of course, they were so big and fluffy. the biggest one you could use as a heated blanket. whilst the other one was just a massive fuss pot and loved attention from people. he'd never get tired or bored of someone giving him love and stroking him all day. we only stayed there for about 10 - 15 minutes because we only went to drop off the 2 girls.

overall i had an amazing day. their family are wonderful and so lovely and kind. (i loved his nana the most though. she's definately my favourite).

i went home and it was 10pm by the time my mam came to collect me. i can't lie i was starting to fall asleep on him when we got home at 9pm. he was like an oversized pillow and playing around with his fluffy hair as i was laid on his chest was the cherry on top. we both actually ended up falling asleep on eachother and the ringtone of my phone woke us both up. it was my mam. she was here. except i didn't want tto go home. neither of us wanted me to go. we both wanted me to stay there with each other forever. we were happy together, in each others presence.

of course when i got home, i called him straight away and we fell asleep on the phone together once again at early hours of the morning.

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