Chapter 5

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Adrianna's pov:

We reached at our destination which looked like an office and flora helped me to hop off from car, I was feeling pain in my body but my happiness was much more than that, no doubt ,I was nervous also but flora told me that Enzo is a gentleman man , which I know because, women can judge a man with their one look only and the way Enzo look at me is filled with respect, what man should hold whenever they look at a woman or girl,

We walked into a big building, Enzo was leading our way, Sandro was sleeping in his arms, he must slept in car, we took lift and reached at lawyers office,

Lawyer asked us to sit after greeting Enzo and like a real gentleman Enzo pulled chair for me and sit beside me in his seat,

"Can I?" I extend my hands to hold sleeping Sandro and Enzo let me hold him not before giving me a smile, which make thousands of butterflies to dance in my lower tummy,

"So , Mr Cassano here are the papers of marriage, I want both of you to sign here" he placed papers infront of us and pointed at the place where we have to sign,

Enzo looked at me than at sleeping boy in my arms, he smile widely at Sandro who was sound asleep and without thinking twice he signed the marriage papers,

Now it's my turn to sign, only one sign of mine will change my whole life and I hope that this change will bring happiness along with it,

I felt a rough and large hand on my hand which was holding Sandro and it belongs to non other than Enzo,

Lorenzo POV:

After signing marriage papers , I turn toward Adrianna who was stuck between her thoughts, I put my hand above her and she looked at me with her innocent grey orbs,

"Don't force yourself, you can take back you decision, if you don't want..." Before I complete myself, she signed papers and give a brighter smile to me , her eyes were teary but she blinked tears immediately,

"I'll never back away." She said while caressing Sandro's face,

I pulled out a black velvet box which contain a beautiful diamond ring, Adrianna's eyes widened,

"We didn't bring ring."she said nervously while looking toward , flora who was also being embarrassed and to her shock , I pulled another box with contains ring for me,

"It's my fault because I didn't gave you much time to think about these things." Adrianna flashed a shy smile at me,

I extend my hand as I asked her to give her hand in mine, she gave her left hand while right one was holding our son, I slipped beautiful ring in her on her finger and she reciprocated my act,

I felt an electrifying sensation when i touched her soft and delicate skin and after looking at her red face, we can say that she might felt same as me,

"Ok, Both of you are now
Husband and wife and you may kiss each oth..." Lawyer said but stopped in middle when , I shoot a death glare toward him, I heard mumbled laugh from other side , flora was controlling herself from laughing out loud,

"Aww, Mr Cassano you can kiss her, she is your wife now" flora must have a death wish,

Adrianna's face became bright red and I leaned forward while we both were still sitting on our place, she stiffened and clutched the soft material of Sandro's blanket, I smiled at her cute behaviour and pecked her forehead,

She opened her eyes and looked at me like she wasn't expecting this and smiled shyly, our sweet moment was interrupted by lawyers voice,

"Mr Cassano, these are Adoption Papers which you asked me to arrange." i nodded and signed them,

"Now, he is officially your son,
Mrs Cassano" i said while pointing at Sandro and handed her paper, she blushed hard at my last words,

"Congratulations to both of you." Flora said and gave a soft hug to Adrianna, who was standing now, Sandro was still in her arms,

We left lawyers building and walked toward parking lot, Adrianna was walking slowly , her features were showing all , how much pain she was in,

Sandro was now in my hands , I stopped in my way, and I gave sleeping Sandro to Adrianna, who gave me confused look, but nonetheless she held Sandro in her arms, if she want she can deny me, but she didn't, which spread a Warmer feeling inside my heart,

She was about to walk , but a Yelp left her lips when , I picked her up in my arms , her hold around Sandro tightened like she was afraid that Sandro will slip out of her hold,

"Um.. I can walk, Enzo."she whispered while her became flushed red, I was proud to have that affect on her,

"You are not allowed to walk that much, so keep quiet." I utter last word with full authority which gain a small nod from her,




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