A little help

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"Why are you still calling me?" Beomgyu groaned as he picked up the phone, irritated at the caller.

"Babe, please. I want you back.."

"I told you, don't call me babe. We're already over.." he ends call once again.

His phone rings once more, making him more frustrated. He answers again.

"I swear I will block you." Beomgyu spoke.

"Please take me back.. I regret it.."

".. I won't take you back, you're already 3 years too late."

"I swear I won't do it again.. the one I truly love is you.."

"Oh yeah? Well that didn't seem to be the case three years ago when you cheated on me!" Beomgyu shouts.

"Baby, please.."

"No. It has already been done. You kissed her. We haven't even had our first kiss, yet you already kissed another." Beomgyu hung up the phone again.

He got another call, but this time he blocked the caller.

The red head sighed to himself as he walked down the quiet street, the streetlights flickering every few seconds. He didn't know what to do with himself. It's been 3 years since him and his ex broke up. They were never meant to be.

He made his way to a phone store, purchasing a new phone along with a new number. This was the only way he can make sure his ex has no contact with him at all.

Or so he thought.

The next day, he was just sitting at the park feeding a few stray puppies when he unexpectedly got an unknown call from an unknown number.

And of course, he answered. "Hello?" Beomgyu said.

"Beomgyu! Please, I beg you.. take me back!"

"Y-You again?! What the hell! How did you get my number?!" Beomgyu shouts, scaring away the stray puppies and gaining people's attention who were surrounding him.

"Beomgyu, I promise! I will do better!"

"Ugh! Why don't you get it?! I already have a new boyfriend!" Beomgyu lies. His ryes widened in surprise when he realized what he just said. He gulps as he looked around the area, looking at the people staring at him. Until, he spots a boy that was staring down at his phone, airpod in one ear.

"Oh yeah? Get your boyfriend on the line."

Beomgyu sighed as he saw this coming. Without hesitation, he walked over to the boy with dark hair. "Excuse me.." he whispers.

The boy nods, not leaving his eyes from his phone.

"I-I'm Beomgyu.. my ex keeps calling me. Is it alright if you can pretend to be my b-boyfriend just for a while?" He asks.

The boy looks up with his big brown doe looking eyes. He gave Beomgyu a gentle smile and nods.

Beomgyu sighed in relief as the other took the phone from him.

"Hello?" The boy said, his voice soft and smooth.

"Who are you?!"

"This is Taehyun, Beomgyu's boyfriend." The boy with dark hair replied.

"Boyfriend, huh? Well leave him, because I'll be coming for him soon."

"Not a chance. Just know, if you even dare to come near him, let's just say you won't have any arms by the end of it. Stay away from us." Taehyun growled through the phone then hangs up with a tiny smile on his face, giggling.

"Ah.. thank you.." Beomgyu bows politely to the other.

The dark haired boy smiles at him and ruffles his hair. "Just helping out." He said. The shorter thinks for a moment before halting Beomgyu from turning. "Wait, I think I should stay with you. Your ex said he'd be coming for you." He warned.

"Eh?" The red head was shocked. "You aren't helping me just to kidnap me, are you?" He questioned him.

Taehyun laughs while shaking his head no. "Of course not, I'm genuinely trying to help you."

Beomgyu hesitated, but he nods since he really could use the help. "If you try anything, just letting you know you won't have arms by the end of it."

"Pfft- try me." Taehyun shows his biceps, making Beomgyu widen his eyes.

"On second thought, I'll play it safe and let my ex kidnap me instead." He turned to leave again.

Taehyun held his arm back, making Beomgyu stop immediately. "Don't worry, Beomgyu. I'm not a bad person." He smiled.

"That's what every bad person says." He raised a brow at him.

"If you really feel unsafe, we can just go to a hotel?"

"Mm.. you know what. I'll trust you. Just don't bring up hotels again." Beomgyu shivered at the thought, something that haunts him from the past.

The two then make their way towards Beomgyu's house.

A week has passed since that day. Taehyun had been staying over since he knew at some point this ex of Beomgyu's is going to come.

Both Beomgyu and Taehyun were chilling on the couch getting to know each other, right until the doorbell rings.

Alerted, Taehyun told Beomgyu to stay on tthe couch as he made his way to the door. There, a man who was taller than Taehyun was standing by the doorway.

He had tattoos all over his body and piercings that looked like it hurt. Beomgyu once said he was in a gang, and he definitely tried to look the part. By the size of his arm muscles, he looked like he would start a fight and win.

But here, this fight he's about to start is gonna end with Taehyun winning.

"So you're the dude who stole my man? You look like a shrimp." The man said glaring down at Taehyun.

"Hm? Shrimp you say? I could say the same about you." Taehyun chuckles, his eyes never leaving contact with the man.

The comment aggravated the man, making him throw the first punch.

Taehyun is a quick witted man. He took fighting classes and knew how to throw the enemy off by using his brain.

Before the punch could land on the dark haired boy, he swiftly dodged and landed a punch on the man's stomach instead, making him fly out towards the concrete floor.

Taehyun cracked his knuckles as he stepped closer towards the man. Beomgyu peeked his head out from the doorway inside, watching how Taehyun brutally beat his ex.

Beomgyu gulped as he saw this Taehyun as attractive, rather than horrifying.

When he finished, he took one last of the man before looking towards the doorway where he knew Beomgyu was staring with a smirk.

Without a second to waste, the man scrambled to his feet, wobbling away as he tried to run away.

Taehyun was about to go after him when Beomgyu stopped him. "Don't worry, he won't come back after what you've done." He giggles.

Taehyun smiled at him and nods. "Well in that case, can I be your real boyfriend now?"


"Haha, I'm kidding. Let's get inside." Taehyun nudged the flabbergasted Beomgyu inside with his arm.

They ended up boyfriends a couple months later. :>

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