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The next day , Valentine called for Malacoda.

Take forty men to the tomb of Madagascar.

"Bring everything you see there , make sure you check everywhere "
Valentine ordered Malacoda with an evil smirk on his face.

His mind are filled  with evil thought of how he would defeat Griffin.

Malacoda went to His camp and selected fourty of his warriors to follow him on the quest to find the hidden tomb of Madagascar.

They moved at the third hour and arrived at Suki after two days.

  Malacoda looked into the sky  and observed the slanting rays of the setting sun giving a warm orange tinge to the sky.

" Let's rest here we would continue the Journey tomorrow  morning "

Malacoda ordered the  troops sharply as he brought out his tank and loosed it and  immediately water started pumping  into his mouth.

"But it will only take us three hours to get to the tomb, why don't we continue and rest when we reach the tomb " a three feet tall young looking warrior with blue eyes and blond hair holding a  shining silver sword suggested.

" Guddan! we should rest here"Malacoda shouted briskly with a distressed voice.
Lay down your heads, we shall continue our journey when it's Dawn

"Yes sir!"

The troops echoed as they all went  to build up a camp ground for them to spend the night.

  They made fire to warm themselves and they all slept after they had eaten.

"Wake ! Wake! Wake!" Malocoda shouted as he moved  from one tent to another, looking as energetic as a Lion to wake the other warriors.

"Is it dawn already?" another soldier said gruntingly.

They cleaned up, and started moving again.

     After a while they arrived at a village where all the villagers didn't stop gazing at them. The villager kept murmuring: discussing with themselves,thinking of reasons the warriors are in their town

Then a man said "I hope they aren't here because of the tomb"

Which tomb ? The other villager asked looking surprised.

"Ohh! that's quite surprising, so you're telling me you don't know of the ancient tomb of Madagascar" My father told me Madagascar was the formal city where the two tribes lived in Harmony, but a time came when the two tribes fought for power and information.

''Really", another villager said as he couldn't stop staring at the narrator.

"But what kind of information can make the two tribes fight'' a short man with broad chest and tiny head whispered..

"Well, nobody knows, but rumor as it that the sword amplifies the power of the person welding it,  As for the information no one as ever passed what's protecting it and lots of people died trying to get them from the tomb."

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