Chapter 1

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Draco Malfoy, the outcast. Former Deatheater, former villain, the antagonist in everyone's eyes. His two only friends, Blaise and Pansy, had left the area to start up their life on a beach house by the sea. Draco had little money to his name. With his father incarcerated in Azkaban and his mother recently deceased, Draco was left with what little fortune his father couldn't strip from him through the court. He rented the cheapest apartment he could find in the place, and it was an absolute miracle the landlord even let him stay knowing his title and his past.

He began settling in, pleased with the work he'd done and even the small accomplishment he had of getting a place on his own. He did little side jobs to scrape up just a bit of money to keep him going. He handled himself well, and other than his landlord, not a soul knew where he resided. He preferred to keep it that way.

After a particularly bleak and eventless day, Draco sat on his bed staring forward at the clock. The hour hand laid still, the seconds hand ticking at perfectly even intervals, and with every sixty ticks, the minute hand moved one notch. Draco occupied himself with the mundane act of watching the clock. Three minutes, four, five.. six...

he groaned and stood up, determined to do something with his life. It may very well have been just a few minutes past ten, but he knew a few spots that would still be open. He dressed himself in a slim Slytherin green button up, with a few buttons at the top undone and his sleeves rolled back. He put on some black trousers and accessorized with some silver rings and necklaces. He headed to the only bar he felt safe in. It was a small gay bar, not too far from his apartment. It was a nice walk anyways. And sure his name was Draco Malfoy, and everyone could piece together who he was. Not a single person walking by failed to recognize him. But this particular bar was in the muggle world. Of course, most wizards knew about it, but it slowly fell off everyone's radar as local wizarding bars opened up their beverages to include potions of all sorts, adding an extra kick to the fun. So, being his only option and escape from those who knew him, he slipped into the bar and let out a relieved sigh.

He ordered a drink almost immediately, He really needed something to take off the edge. He Was a mess honestly, but did a well job concealing that beneath his flawless skin and perfectly maintained hair, and the clothes he still had that were expensive enough to make him seem like he was off to a great life. He flirted with a few blokes, just having a decent time for himself for once. About three or four drinks in, with a shot or two as well, he stumbled back into someone's chest. He muttered a short apology as he spun around and his eyes met dazzling emerald green. It took him a second to render that Harry bloody Potter was stood right in front of him. Not to mention only inches away from his face.


Harry had been at his usual bar; the only place nobody knew his name. The only place where all he was was just a handsome stranger. That was, until Draco fucking Malfoy stumbled into him clearly not thinking straight. Harry of course was quite a few drinks in, and stared at Draco in awe for a good few seconds. He'd changed in the most subtle ways since their time in school. His hair had grown out just a smidge, and he seemed to have gotten the slightest bit slimmer. He of course had the same glowing complexion and silvery grey eyes he could stare into for ages. He tugged himself out of his drunken thoughts and blinked. "Malfoy" he mumbled, his eyes still glued to those of his high school enemy.

"Potter" was the response he received from the Slytherin. His voice as cool and collected as it had always been. Harry was practically entranced by Draco's looks. Sure they'd had plenty of fights that resulted in them being this close to one another, but they were usually much too focused on being at each others throats to get a good, long look at the other up close.

Harry was much too drunk to be thinking straight. Before he'd even recognized what he was doing, his arm snaked around Draco's waist and tugged him closer into a heated kiss. Draco, being just about as drunk, was baffled by the sudden lips pressed against his own. He was ready to push away, retaliate, say something idiotic and leave as fast as he could, but he found himself slowly melting into Harry's touch. His stupidly gentle cinnamon scent, his incredibly soft lips, merlin how stupid all of this was, but fuck- Harry was a damn good kisser.

He tugged Harry closer by his collar, beginning to work desperately against his lips. He was certainly conscious enough to understand what was happening, but he chose to ignore it. Hell, he'd tried to pick up a guy earlier in the night but none had grasped his attention in the way Harry had in the last fifteen seconds. Nonetheless, he would never speak of this to a soul. Whatever would happen tonight would simply be disregarded. It didn't have to mean anything at all, hell, why should it? he was torn out of his thoughts when Harry pulled away, staring back at him. Draco caught his breath, after all, it was the most heated kiss he'd had in at least three months. He watched Harry order up one more shot, taking it instantly, before grabbing Draco's wrist and tugging him outside and into a cab.

The drive was a blur. Harry's lips on his own, Draco's hand slipping up under Harry's shirt, a mess of the two both trying to control themselves whilst also unable to deny their drive for sex. Harry tipped the driver quite a hefty amount to ensure his silence of the two being together, and tugged Draco up to his flat.

"Means nothing, understand?" Harry muttered, leaving Draco very little time to take in the surroundings of Harry's living space.

Draco smirked a bit and looked back at Harry. "The fact you've even got to clarify that is absurd, Potter" he muttered, taking up more control and restraint that he'd expected to not spit Harry's name like venom. He just had to forget it was Harry Potter. It was just some.. some guy. Some stranger, he didn't want to even think about the fact it was Harry's apartment he was in. Harry's incredibly toned body that was about to absolutely destroy him. It wasn't Harry Potter.

Yet at the same time, the truth of Harry's presence aroused him all the more. The way it felt like breaking some rule, like he was sneaking around doing something maliciously dirty. Which did hold some truth. Harry did still have a reputation in the wizarding world and being seen with Draco Malfoy himself would destroy it all in an instant. Harry Potter, who he'd spent countless days and nights quarreling with, fighting, dueling, teasing, was now tugging off Draco's shirt and working at a hickey at the base of his neck. "Fuck~" Draco breathed, letting his eyes fall closed.

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