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Bella looks shocked when she opens the door to find me.

"Hey, what's up?" Bella asks, moving to the side so I can walk in.

"Just figured we could catch up, we haven't really talked since you came to town," I play it cool as I walk in.

"Oh, okay," She nods awkwardly and shuts the front door. I walk into the living room and take a seat on the couch.

She sits beside me and fidgets with her hair.

"So, how's school been?" I ask her. Start off slow then ask if she knows her boyfriend is a vampire.

"It's been okay. The people are nice," She says.

"Yeah? Some blonde bitch there fucked my boyfriend but i'm over it," I state, "people aren't what they seem."

"Paul cheated on you?" She asks, shocked.

"Your dad didn't tell you?" I ask her.

"We don't talk that much," She explains.

Weird. Charlie loves talking to me about gossip around the town.

"Oh, right," I agree, "I'm with Sam Uley now."

"I think your brother mentioned something about you and Sam getting close. I didn't know you guys were dating," Bella says, looking down at her hands.

"When did you talk to my brother?" I ask her, curious of what all Jake said.

"A couple weeks ago. He told me about the legends after one of the guys mentioned that the Cullens don't come to La Push," She explains.

My little brother is such an idiot. I keep my cool and nod, "Yeah, the Cullens don't come around us."

"They're not supposed to, right?" She questions.

"No, they're not supposed to," I agree.

"Jake told me that they are the cold ones," She states.

I nod and wait to see if she's going to say anything else.

"I feel like you know the truth. Your dad tried to warn me before," She says, looking at me curiously.

"So you do know what they really are?" I ask her.

"Yes, I do."

"How long have you known?" I ask.

"Shortly after Jake told me the legends," She admits.

"I've never came close to the Cullens but I hear that they call themselves vegetarians," I explain.

"They do. They're not normal vampires. They seem so good," Bella says, looking down at her hands.

"I can tell you really care about them," I say, noticing how her eyes lights up when she speaks of them.

"I do, I really love Edward," She admits.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask her.

She nods to me as we make eye contact.

"I think I love Sam too," I admit.

I've never said the words out loud. I can't talk to the guys about it and I don't have many female friends besides Ally.

"It's weird, right?" She asks.

"It's definitely weird. I loved Paul but I don't think I ever loved him as much as I love Sam," I explain.

"I've never had a boyfriend before Edward," She admits, "this is all very new for me."

"And on top of that, he's a vampire? That's insane," I say, laughing quietly.

She giggles back. I think this is the first time I've really seen Bella express her feelings. She was always closed book as a kid.

"We'll have to talk more, I really enjoyed this," I suggest.

"I think I'd really like that," She agrees.

The front door opening and voices filling the house interrupted the moment we had.

"Where's my girls at?" Charlie yells out.

"In the living room," I answer, grinning.

Charlie walks in the living room followed by my dad and Jake. I stand up to give Charlie a hug and he embraces me tightly.

"I've missed you," Charlie says, pressing a light kiss to the top of my head.

"I miss you too, old man," I tease.

He chuckles and let's go of me, "who's ready for the game?"

"You know I am," My dad answers.

"Hi Bella," Jake says shyly.

"Hey, Jake," She answers, giving him an awkward smile.

I roll my eyes at the two and sit back down, making sure there was enough room for Jake to sit between Bella and I. I won't hear the end of it if I don't let him sit next to Bella.

Jake hops on the seat beside me which makes me give him an annoyed glare. My dad wheels beside Charlie. There's always space for him right there. I think Charlie moved his chair over a few inches to fit my dad's wheelchair a few years back. My dad has always sat next to Charlie and I love seeing their sneaky glances and random touching. Even the small touch of their hands bring me joy. I just hope they someday allow themselves to love each other.

"Hey, why don't we go for a walk?" I suggest to Jake and Bella.

"But it's raining," Jake states.

"A little rain won't kill you but I might if you don't get your ass up," I threaten.

My dad throws a glance my way and I quickly smile at him. I stand up and press and kiss to my dad's cheek, "the kids are gonna have some bonding time."

"Alright, be safe," My dad tells us three.

I look at Jake and Bella which makes them quickly get up. Bella grabs her jacket and we head outside.

"Why do we have to go for a walk?" Jake groans.

"I don't know if you're too blind to see it but our dad likes Charlie. I just think they need some alone time," I say, shrugging.

"My dad likes your dad?" Bella asks, clearly shocked.

"They've liked each other for years, I'm just trying to help them out," I state.

"That's crazy," Jake says, shaking his head.

"Don't be jealous," I tease him.

Jake glances at Bella, "i'm not jealous."

"Sure, Jake," I say, walking towards the tree line.

Bella stays silent as we walk through the woods. I can tell that she's just trying not to trip. I offer her my hand and she takes it.

I can sense something nearby but I can't tell what it is. It sounds to be above our heads but when I look up, I see something but the empty trees.

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