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"Holy shit."

That was the first thing Patrick said when he saw Henry. Henry with his cheeks red, eyes screwed shut, little red dress, milky white thighs all dolled up with fishnets and bruises and moles and scars, and voice all high pitched with sheer embarrassment.

"Is this what you wanted?!" Henry spoke-shouted, voice still squeaky from the lack of... coverage on his body and the eyes on his face.

"Yes. Absolutely." Said a smiling Patrick, cheeks dotted red with blush.

"Normally I wouldn't buy this because then people would think I'm like a fairy or something, but I have this red lipstick we will forcefully put on you." Said Victor, stepping forward with a small bullet of ruby red lipstick in a carefully engraved golden tube. After a little bit of convincing (bribery) by Patrick, he bought it just in time for Henry to emerge from the dressing room.

"What the fuck?! No, I'm not wearing that shit! I'll look like a faggot!" He screamed, earning a few concerned looks from nearby shoppers.

"Please Hen? For me?" Said Patrick. Henry's cheeks went red, and he may or may not have seen Patrick smirk before snatching the lipstick out of Victor's hands and walking away, nearly tripping and spraining his ankle on his way to the dressing room.

I cannot believe this is happening. I'm going to put on this fucking lipstick and look like a fag in front of all of my friends. Henry thought. He smeared on the lipstick, and with a bit of trouble, got it to look presentable on his face. In the mirror he also smudged it over his cheeks, blended it out, and stormed out of the dressing room, barely standing upright on the platforms he was given.


"Dude, wait. I just realized. Where is your dick? Like you're wearing that short dress, but it's not there. Where did your dick go?" Said Belch, looking Henry up and down.

"What the fuck?!"

His cheeks went red again, and as he glanced at Patrick, he noticed the tiny smirk on his face.

"Hey Hen, I'll give you 600 bucks if you walk around Derry like that." He stated.

What?! I'll be killed before I know it!

"What the fuck?! Absolutely not! I'll be fucking murdered in 5 minutes!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, but 600 bucks. That's a lot of money, Henry." Victor said.

"Please, Henry? Just this once?" Patrick whined, inadvertently imitating a 6-year-old girl in the process.

"What the fuck. Fine, whatever."


After paying for the dress and other clothes, Henry nervously hung around the door for a couple of minutes.

Victor and Belch were already on the street, fucking around with some branches. Patrick and Henry stood by the door, watching them almost poke each other's eyes out with pointy sticks.

"Pat, I'm nervous. My dad is going to fucking kill me if he sees me." Henry said, wringing his fingers nervously. He felt very vulnerable, and the only reason he was like this around Patrick was that he knew Patrick would not care about any of his problems. At least, he thought that.

"Aw, don't worry. And if he does beat your ass, I'll murder him." Patrick said, with a seemingly innocent smile on his face. Henry knew he was planning something though.

"Whatever you're going to do, wait until next week to do it. Okay?" Henry said, trying to see if Patrick was being genuine about the murder or not. He very much knew the extent of Patrick's capabilities and combined with his inability to give a fuck, it sure sounded like a deadly pair of traits that could easily land someone in the hospital.

"C'mon, let's go. Victor and Belch are probably waiting if they haven't stabbed each other half to death already." Patrick said. He put his hand on Henry's back and pushed him towards the street.

Where, right at the ice cream shop in front of the boutique, stood a very familiar group of 7 faces.


tee hee cliffhanger

[687 words because i worked way too hard on this and it still only amounted to that tiny ass number of words]

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