when Rosie is sick (requested)

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"What's the matter, baby?" Jisoo asked Chaeyoung as she sat up in bed.

The time was after three am and the sound of Chaeyoung's groans awoke Jisoo from her light slumber.

It was a heartbreaking sight that she was met with.

Chaeyoung was sitting up near the edge of the bed with her hands clutching her stomach and her eyes squeezed shut tightly.

Her forehead had beads of sweat gathered on her skin and her teeth sank into her lip hard, making Jisoo brush her thumb across it to release it from her grip.

"Tell me what's wrong." She said as she laid her hand on Chaeyoung's back and brushed it across her skin in circles.

She felt that it was clammy against her fingertips, her shirt slightly damp from sweat.

"I feel sick."

"Sick? How so?"

"My stomach hurts bad and I feel nauseous," Chaeyoung said before groaning again. "I feel really awful, Jisoo. I think I might throw up."

Jisoo's heart dropped upon hearing those words leaving her girlfriend's lips.

Chaeyoung hasn't been sick yet during the span of their relationship so far, nothing more than a cough and the sniffles.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before she got sick.

But Jisoo wasn't prepared to see her girlfriend in agony, knowing that it was going to completely shatter her heart.

"Can I get you something? Do you need anything, baby? Do you think I can get you anything that will make you feel any better?"

"No," Chaeyoung said as she shook her head.

"Okay," Jisoo spoke in a sad tone. "Let's at least get you to the bathroom so you don't get sick all over yourself. Come on, honey."

She helped Chaeyoung out of bed and they took slow steps together toward the bathroom.

But as soon as they made it through the doorway, Chaeyoung's stomach flipped and her mouth watered and she knew she was going to be sick.

She pulled away from Jisoo and rushed across the room to the toilet before she got sick into it a second later.

"Oh, baby," Jisoo said in sadness. "I'm here. It's okay."

Jisoo knew it wasn't the greatest thing to say as nothing felt okay at that moment.

Seeing her girlfriend get sick broke her heart into pieces and even though she could be there to comfort her, she knew there wasn't much she could do to make her feel better.

So she just did her best to soothe her through it, unsure of what else she could do.

"Let it all out." Jisoo encouraged. "You're doing good. Just get it out, let it all go."

Chaeyoung continued to vomit for a few more minutes, her aching stomach turning repeatedly as she felt the utmost agony that she's felt in a long time.

"I hate this." She whined when she had a second to catch her breath.

"I know, it's terrible. But I'm here with you. You're not alone, I've got you, darling."

Chaeyoung's stomach turned once more and she began to throw up yet again.

"Oh, it's okay," Jisoo said as she brushed her hand comfortingly across Chaeyoung's back. "You'll be alright, my girl. I've got you."

It was torturous.

But soon enough, her stomach settled and she leaned back against Jisoo as she became weak and in need of comfort.

"Shh." Jisoo comforted as she reached forward and flushed the toilet. "I'm here."

Jisoo held Chaeyoung in her arms, though she kept her grip loose, just in case.

"Thank you for being here for me."

"I'll always be here for you." She whispered in Chaeyoung's ear. "I promise."

"Can we go back to bed?"

"Of course we can," Jisoo replied. "Come on, I'll help you. I'll hold you while you brush your teeth and then we'll get back to bed."

Chaeyoung sniffled as she stood up with Jisoo's help and made her way over to the sink.

True to her word, Jisoo held onto her as she brushed her teeth.

She laid her cheek on her shoulder and kept her arms wrapped around her as Chaeyoung weakly gripped the toothbrush and brushed her teeth, trying to get rid of the gross taste from her mouth.

"Can I have some water?"

"Sure, baby. I'll get you some." Jisoo said as she turned off the bathroom light and led Chaeyoung to bed.

After helping her lay down, she tucked her in with a kiss on her warm forehead before brushing her fingers through her hair softly.

"I'll be back."

Chaeyoung nodded and closed her eyes.

Jisoo hurried downstairs and grabbed Chaeyoung a bottle of water before hurrying back upstairs, only to find her girl sound asleep.

She placed the water bottle on the nightstand and then leaned down to kiss Chaeyoung's forehead once more.

"My baby, I hope you feel better soon." She whispered and cracked a small smile as her heart swelled in her chest while watching her girlfriend sleep.

She was so in love with her that it was almost overwhelming, but in the best way.

She was her whole world and seeing her so terribly ill, knowing that she felt so miserable, broke Jisoo's heart.

She laid down beside her and covered herself up before turning on her side to face Chaeyoung.

She gently stroked her warm cheek and listened to her let out a couple of soft sounds in her sleep, making her heart flutter.

"You're my whole world, baby. I'll be right here to take care of you. I promise you, I won't be going anywhere." She said before leaning in and kissing her head softly.

She couldn't fall back asleep, not just yet.

So she just laid there beside Chaeyoung and watched her sleep, wishing upon every star that her girl would feel better soon.

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