NEWS Part 4

75 8 3

Without Books

@The_NYX = X



@HillaryUchiha = X

@Kana_Wakanabi = X

@ragayisgay = X

@SamanthaHailen = X

@sunnyshines1 = X

@Sueszi = X

With Books





@AnimeNation = X



@bakajanai = X

@ice_dragon_girl = X




The_NYX: Heyo~! I am here to inform you that @Sueszi made a book for you to request graphics! Graphics like Book Covers, Icons, Headers, Bookmark and Drawings! You can look at TheNaruatardsClub's reading list, "Services We Offer" and check it out.

The_NYX: Also, I deleted my book KaItaHiDei Graphics because I am planning to improve it (inspired by my new eternal rival, Sueszi-danna)! but don't worry I'll make a come back sooner or later. XD

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