All better

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I go back upstairs and head to my desk

I open the drawer only to see a note

"Hey! I was hoping we could watch a movie at mine? Maybe.... 5:00PM??? - Robin " The note reads

I smiled before putting the note back into my drawer

I dont know how he wrote that in like 20 seconds but.. he did

I look at my watch to see it's almost 12:00PM

I look for my phone on my bed

I find it and head downstairs to hang out with Vance since Tracy had gone to work, and Billy was at school

I know he didn't want to go, but he did anyways

I felt bad for Billy and Vance to have to see me the way I was yesterday but I knew I couldn't change it

I get a text from Robin


- " Home <3 "

I blush reading it

Send back a heart and put my phone away.

**Time skip//Walking to Robins**

Vance and Billy decided to walk me to Robins because I was scared of walking alone

We get there around 10 minutes later and knocked on the door

Robins Tia answerd and said hi to everyone

"Oh hi hun! Who are these gentlemen?" She asks

"These are my brothers" I say smiling

"Oh okay" she smiles

"Well come in hun" she says motioning me in

I wave at Billy and Vance and head inside

"Robins upstairs" she says smiling at me

I nod and look over to the couch admiring they're house

I see Fernando on the couch and decide to say hi

"Hey Fernando!" I say

"Hey" he says not looking away from his phone

It's silent for a second

I walk around the couch to see him better

"You okay?" I ask

"Yup" he says still not looking up

Just then I hear foot steps coming from the stairs

I look over and see Robin running down the stairs

"Hey" Robin says smiling at me

"Hi" I say going up to him

He hugs me and takes my hand

We go upstairs and go to his room

I go to his bed and lay dramatically

"You okay?" He asks laughing while closing the door

"Just tired" I say raising my head and smiling

He walks up to me and lands his hand on my chin

He pulls me in and lightly kisses me

He pulls away and smiles

I smile back and he lays next to me

We hear a loud sound coming from his window and look over

It was thunder

It had started pouring

Robin shrugs and lays down

He puts his arm around me and looks at me smiling

I catch him staring

"What?" I ask laughing a little

He looks away blushing

"Nothing" he says going to grab the remote to put on a movie

I look up and him and smile

Thinking about how I got so lucky to have someone like him in my life

He opens Netflix and goes to the horror section

"Really?" I say raising an eyebrow at him

"Yes" he says kissing my forhead and giving a "this is happning" smile

I smirk at him before wrapping my arms around him

He puts on a movie called "The Dare"

It was the goriest shit I've ever seen

I snuggled Into Robin in discussed while we watched it

He was kind of laughing at me the whole time for my "eughk" sound effects

He looked at me and smiled while I snuggled Into his chest with my hands wrapped around him

He puts his hand on my head and starts playing with my hair while smiling at me

I look up at him

"What?" I ask

"Nothing" he says smirking at me

"I look into his eyes and move to his lips

Before returning to his eyes

I notices and blushed

I smile at him and lean in

He keeps his hand on my hair and held my face against his

I could feel his smile on my lips

It drove me to smile with him

We stayed this for about 20 seconds before pulling away

"I love you" he says smiling and looking into my eyes

I smile at him

"I love you to" I say also smiling.

&quot;I Love You&quot; Book 2 *R.A × Y/n* Where stories live. Discover now